Definitely a good day

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Harry Styles never was one to complain. He thought his life wasn't perfect, but it wasn't that bad either. He had his good moments though he also had a lot of bad moments. He was grateful for his life, with all the things he'd received. He tried to live his life the best he could. He wanted to make a difference, and make the world a better place for people who came after him.

He was what you could say a 'good boy' though he didn't really liked to label people. Why use labels? Everyone was him (or her) self and did what he thought was the right thing, right? Sometimes these things were 'illegal' but they all agreed with the things they did. He knew that people who were classified as emo's and hopeless cases, weren't like the picture society had of them. He knew that they just fuck around a bit. No, they were true to themselves and tried to discover who they really were.

Harry was actually just like that. He did the things he thought which were right and true. He did volunteering work for their local community and worked hard at school. He wanted to do something with his life and do something unique and revolutionizing. That sounds like the ideal kid, right? Harry would like to think that he indeed was a good person. But he also had those days. Yes, those days.

He had days that he just thought 'fuck it' and skipped school and passed the day sitting behind the bleachers doing absolutely, utterly nothing. He also had days that he just wanted it all to end because what did it matter? He had those days a lot, and they were becoming a drag. Harry just tried to convince himself that he was searching. Searching for who he was and what he needed. After all, what truly was a good person? Was a true person someone who was perfect? So yes, maybe Harry thought too much. Maybe he didn't. He just wanted to know. He was curious. He was human.

Yes, he thought too much.

Harry got out of bed, forcing himself to just stop thinking and stare into the nothing. He pulled on a black shirt from this new band called we are the in crowd. Harry pulled on some dark grey jeans and pulled on a dark blue hoodie. Returning into his room, he retrieved his backpack and dumped all his books he needed for the day inside it. He walked through the hallway to the other side of the house to see if his mom was awake already.

As he walked inside the room he saw that the lights were already on and that his mom wasn't lying in the bed. There was a little note attached to the pillow. Harry walked closer and saw that the note read that his mom was off to work early and that she would only return later that night. Harry sighed as he dropped the note on the pillow again. Great to know that his mom didn't tell him that earlier. Well, not like she ever talked to him.

He didn't want to complain, but his mom wasn't quite the best mom to have. He was sure that she loved him, but she just had so much going on which wasn't Harry that she just completely forgot about him from time to time. She worked way too many hours every week and when she was home she was so tired that she hardly talked with Harry. She was always worrying about their money and how they were going to survive the next month.

Harry wasn't mad at her that she wasn't there. He knew that she did everything in her powers to make it. He knew that she only worked so hard because she wanted the best for him. She wanted him to be happy. It wasn't her fault that she didn't realize that she just wasn't there anymore for Harry, which actually resulted in the opposite what she was trying to achieve. Harry didn't blame her though, she was just doing what she thought was right.

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