Never Grow Up

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Please note I do not know much/anything about Peter Pan or Disney World.


"Summer love, are you ready?", Harry asked his six-year-old daughter Summer. "Do you have everything packed?"

"Daddy, we're just going to Disney World. It's no big deal", Summer said in her smart-ass tone.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Do you have the phone?" When Summer nodded, he continued. "Do you remember what to do when you can't see me anywhere?"

Summer, too, rolled her eyes. "Daddy, I'm already six years old. I can remember things!"

"Just repeat it one more time sweetie, Daddy doesn't want to lose you", Harry said softly.

Summer sighed and repeated Harry in a bored voice. "When I can't see you anymore, I need to stay on the same spot and look around for you. If I can't find you after a minute, I need to search for a security guard and stay with him as he calls you. Nothing's going to happen, Daddy."

"I love you pumpkin", Harry smiled, kissing his only daughter's cheek.

"Ewww", Summer yelled. "That's gross, Daddy!" She quickly wiped her cheek and wrinkled her nose. Yup, she was definitely spoiled. But what do you expect? Summer's Mum, Natalie, had left them as soon as Summer was born, and Harry could really only spoil his daughter. Which he did all too happily. It's not like Harry didn't raise his daughter well, of course he did. He loved her with all his heart. From the blonde curls to the big emerald eyes.

Harry remembered the day Natalie told him she was pregnant. They were only seventeen at the time, and Natalie wanted an abortion. It took Harry a week to convince her he wanted the baby. They made a mistake, and the baby would pay for it with its life? That wasn't going to happen, not in Harry's opinion. Natalie had warned him she didn't want the baby, so he would be on his own. But Harry didn't care. His daughter, his own flesh and blood.... He wasn't going to lose that.

True, his parents were fuming. After a while, they came round and were willing to support Harry and his daughter. Harry realized his relationship with Natalie wasn't at all as strong as they had always thought. The arrival of the baby was too much and Natalie broke things off between them. She promised him she would call him when she was going into labour. Which she did, and Harry was able to witness Natalie giving birth to Summer, four days after Harry's birthday.

As soon as Harry got to hold his daughter, he fell in love with her.

Natalie let Harry choose everything. She didn't want to be a part of Harry and Summer's lives and Harry was perfectly fine with it. Summer had accepted she didn't have a Mummy, but she had all she needed in her Daddy. Even though Summer was born on the fifth of February, Harry named her Summer. There really was no explanation for the choice, just that she made Harry think of summer.

"Daddy, are we leaving yet?", Summer's adorable voice asked, shaking Harry out of his thoughts.

"Yes pumpkin, we are leaving", Harry replied. The two of them were on holiday in Florida, the plane tickets were a present for Harry's birthday, back in February. Harry decided to save them for spring, when it was nice weather. Not too hot and not cold either. And not too busy as well.

"Come on love." Harry took his daughter by the hand - at which Summer rolled her eyes and reminded her Dad, once again, of the fact she was already six years old and perfectly able to walk - and buckled her in in the back of the car he had rented for the week. It was only a few minutes' drive and Harry and Summer sang along to the radio, which was playing Heart Skips A Beat by Olly Murs.

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