I don't care what they say (I'm in love with you) [Harry Potter!AU]

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Tumblr request: Hiii I'm the anon from imaginelarry that talked about the HP!AU prompt I have in my head, and I was wondering if you'd take it? It doesn't have to be long, I just like the idea of them being at Hogwarts, coming out as being a couple, getting bullied in classes because of it. But the main thing of the prompt is that I'd like to see each teacher defending the boys in their class in their own kind of way? Can be in any time, I'd just like Snape to still be the potions teacher :3 thank you!! <3

I don't care what they say (I'm in love with you)

“We could do it, you know.”

“What could we do?”, Harry asked, slightly confused as though why his boyfriend randomly said they could do something.

“Come out. To the entire school. It can’t be too bad, can it?” A vision came to mind about Malfoy screaming at the two of them before hexing them into slugs.

“Lou, I think you’re underestimating the real effect this will have on us”, Harry started carefully, tracing patterns on Louis’ tummy as he stroked Louis’ hair at the same time.

“Haz, think about it. We could be free. No more hiding in the Room of Requirement to kiss, but just kiss in the hallways. I don’t even think McGonagall will mind.”

“Lou”, Harry said, “it’s not that easy. They’re not exceptionally acceptable of gay couples here. The teachers might be, but definitely not the students.”

“Harry, they’re wizards. They’ve seen much stranger stuff than a gay couple.”

 “I don’t think it’s such a good idea. But if it’s what you want and you’re absolutely sure of it, I’m okay with it. As long as you don’t leave me because it gets too hard”, Harry said, sounding vulnerable all of a sudden.

Louis looked up from his place on Harry’s chest. “Haz, I’d never leave you if it would get too hard. You know that.”

“Yeah, I do know that. I’m just scared, Lou.”

 “Me too, baby. But you've got me. You'll always have me. I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

And that was the end of that. They decided they'd come out in a few days time by kissing in the Great Hall. So that's what they did.

They sat together at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall even though Harry was a Hufflepuff and Louis was feeding the younger boy pieces of toast. Ron had raised an eyebrow at their behaviour but he didn't look disgusted. Which was a good start. But Ron was one of their friends. 

"Haz, I think now is a good moment", Louis whispered.

Harry looked doubtful. "I'm still not sure about this."

"It'll be fine." And Louis kissed Harry right there in the middle of the Great Hall.

× × ×

See, the thing is, people are really hypocritical. That's one thing the two boys had found out after they'd come out as a couple.

It wasn’t as though they were shoving their sexuality down people’s throats. But when they walked around together hand in hand, whispering was heard all around the school. “Watch out, the faggots are on the move.”

But if one of the hetero couples were seen snogging (or worse) somewhere in the corridors, no one said a word. Or sometimes they even said how “cute” and “adorable” the hetero couple was.

Did it really matter this much whether you had a dick or not? Apparently so.

And since Louis and Harry only had a few of their classes together, they had to suffer through name calling and bullying on their own, without a hand to hold or a soothing voice whispering sweet nothings in their ear. But, as they had found out, teachers were much more accepting. Some of them had taken up on defending them in class silently, some were defending them by giving bullying students detention.

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