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The day had come. The one day everyone in Middle Earth had been waiting for. The day they would see me, the Princess of Muchlinen, the future Queen, finally marry the future King; come to think of it, looking back on how I got here, it is a surprise I even made it this far. I had the will to push further than any woman could during the apocalyptic terror of the orcs. I stared death right in the eye and still, I managed to be here, stood in my wedding dress, jewels and gems glistening under the sunlight of galaxies unexplained. Out of all the countless quests I endured, whether it be slaying the many hollowmen of Gundabad or sacrificing my only dragon to the orc army, the most difficult decision of my life was choosing between the Prince of Mirkwood, the Nephew of the great Dwarf King under the Mountain or the Leader of Laketown, the man who freed us from the desolation of Smaug. That, however, may not sound like it was a difficult choice, but each one of those three men, stole my heart in their own way. They made me look at the Earth in a whole new perspective, they made me change the way I considered life over death, and only one of them is to take my hand in marriage in a matter of minutes. I take a deep breath of courage and let out a sigh of fear as a small, salty tear of memories slides down my cheek...

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