People like me?

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"HANDS UP IN THE AIR, RIGHT NOW!! " I looked up in fear and all the police men gasped. One police men talked into the walkie "I think we found her." I couldn't take it so I ran. A police women grabbed my arm tightly."you ain't going anywhere squirt,HEY I GOT HER!" a tear dropped from my eye. I knew I couldn't cry now. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME TO JAIL!" The police woman stared at me with her cold eyes."your not going to jail." I was confused. "Then we're am I going?" I said confused. "Your going to asylum 567 a special asylum for people like you."I was crying again. The police men pushed me inside the police car.

We finally arrived to the asylum. It looked like one of those asylums you see in the movies like the grudge. When we entered the building it looked so futuristic. But I didn't like it. There where scientists dissecting something I've never seen. It looks like .......a fat robot with a plunger and whisk? Wait......I have seen that. I just don't remember. Then a little blue light lit up on the robot. Then the scientists gasped. Then I heard a raspy robot voice"p...pri...princess....h..a..s..been..f.fou.... FOUND!" Then the scientists zapped the robot. Princess? What is going on.

The insane princess of gallifreyWhere stories live. Discover now