Missing the Train

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A/N: Heeeey! I wrote this a while ago as the start to a series, but I never had any ideas for it so I did a bit of editing and turned this bit into a one-shot.  I hope you enjoy x

“Oh my god Dan! You got me so wet!” Phil half shouted at Dan as they ran from the Radio 1 building, after playing innuendo bingo, to the station.

They had to be quick otherwise they’d miss the train home and there wasn’t going to be anymore for an hour, due to work on the lines, and they didn’t want to be in wet jeans and t-shirts any longer than they had too.

“Come on Phil! We need to get that train!” Dan shouted running though the mildly busy streets of London, on this cold October afternoon.

“I’m trying Dan!” Phil panted.

“Less than 5 minutes!”

Phil clutched his stomach as he ran. Both he and Dan were terribly unfit, and running like this proved how unfit they actually were,

The two boys ran down the steps to the underground station, they could see the train. The doors were closing. They ran as fast as they could. Then, SMASH. Phil tripped over his own feet.

Dan stopped to look behind him at his friend lying helplessly on the floor. “Phil!” he gasped as he ran over to him and helped him up.

“You okay mate?” Dan asked cautiously as he looked into Phil’s cold icy-blue eyes.

“Yeah,” Phil coughed. “Thanks.”

Dan held his grip on Phil’s hands for a little longer, and then Phil pointed out. “Dan that’s our train leaving!”

“SHIT!” Dan shouted, as he turned his head round to look, although there were only 5 or 6 people in the whole station that could hear.

“Dan!” Phil scolded; he didn’t like Dan swearing in public.

“Sorry” he apologised, he quickly realised he was still holding Phil’s hands and let go just as quick.

“So… err what do you wanna do for an hour?” Dan questioned.

“Go home.” Phil sighed.

“Phil we can’t, that’s the only train we can get. Look I’ll go get us some hot drinks from that kiosk place by the entrance up top, okay?”

“Yeah…” Phil sighed once more.

“Do you wanna come with me?”

“No, I’ll wait down here.”

“Fine.” Dan said as he walked over to the stairs to take him out of the station.

Phil on the other hand, walked over to the wall and lent against it. He slowly began to let himself slip down it, until he was sitting on the cold floor of the platform. His legs were pulled up to his chest and his arms wrapped around them, trying to keep himself warm.

“Hey, Phil, I’m back.” Dan’s voice echoed around the almost empty station. He looked around and spotted Phil, “You okay?”

Phil nodded and Dan sat down next to him, handing him a hot chocolate.

“Thanks” he said.

“It’s okay, it’s raining really hard up there now” Dan commented.

Phil laughed, “I wondered why you were that wet! I didn’t think innuendo bingo could have soaked you that much!”

“No, yeah, it’s definitely the rain!” he smiled as he sat down next to Phil.

Phil had his knees tucked up to his chest; he was clutching the paper cup for warmth. He was freezing. His clothes were soaked and the wind was cold.

Dan lifted his arm up to take a sip from the cup; it quickly brushed against Phil’s arm. Dan nearly choked on his coffee “YOUR FREEZING PHIL!” Dan shouted. He put his hand on Phil’s arm. “And you’re shivering, why didn’t you say? We could have found somewhere warmer.”

“I’m okay Dan, don’t worry.” Phil smiled

“No you’re not! Come here.” Dan said as he engulfed Phil into a cuddly hug.

Phil felt Dan's body heat surround him, engulf him. The sat like that, not moving, sharing Dan’s body heat between them. Phil snuggled into Dan’s chest as if he were a kid. He wanted to stay there forever, wanting to keep the perfectness of this moment.

After a while Dan looked down at Phil huddled into his chest, not shivering as much now, Phil looked back up at Dan. Phil stared up at what he called ‘perfection’ Dan was the man of his dreams, his soul mate.  There was an old tale that said ‘Soul mates minds are connected from birth. When you can’t sleep, your soul mate can’t sleep either.’ Whenever Phil couldn’t sleep he’d go into Dan’s room to see if he was awake, and he was, every time. They would play Sonic for hours on end into the early hours of the morning, or just lie in bed together, just talking. Him and Dan had a very close friendship, Phil wouldn’t want anything less than it, although he would like it to be more but he knew it would never happen.

Dan could feel his insides melting, this was perfect. Phil was perfect. When he was with Phil he felt like nothing could ever hurt him and he could never be sad again. Looking down at Phil made goose bumps appear on his arm, making him feel cold. He didn’t care; he shook it off because nothing else mattered apart from Phil. What was this feeling? Was it love…?

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