6: Under Pressure

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"This is hideous."

"It's standard uniform for noblemen. Get over it."

"I can't wear this, I'm serious! I look like an idiot."

"Nobles are idiots. You'll fit right in."

Dax glared at Uri from across the room, who sat carelessly on a cushioned chair some feet away. The crime lord ran an eye critically over Dax's outfit, making sure it was as authentic as possible.

Dax squirmed in the frivolous getup uncomfortably. The panels of his spotless jerkin were thick and boasted more buckles and laces and decorative designs than he could count. It was an abomination of its own kind. Who in their right minds would want to wear such an absurd garment?

He glanced down at himself once more, his eyes burning as he glared at the ensemble with hatred. The jerkin wouldn't have been so bad had it not been made entirely of leather, and wearing it in the middle of summer made it unbearably hot. He tugged at the stiff collar, wishing he could take it off already.

Beneath the jerkin was the most comfortable piece of the whole outfit; a plain white shirt. It was the least fancy item out of all the clothing, which Dax appreciated. Trashy embellishments only served to annoy him, and this uniform was covered in them.

Thankfully, the pants he wore weren't too bad. They were a dark brown, a hue that Dax liked, and had deep pockets. However, they were very tight. He grimaced as he walked around, getting used to the feeling of everything, not sure how he would be able to pull this disguise off. He supposed the scabbard at his waist was a relief. At least the ensemble was good for something.

He felt trapped. This outfit was a far cry from what he usually wore and it was a new reminder of the mess he had gotten into. He had less than a week to learn everything there was to know about how nobles were supposed to act, and then he would be off on his own, searching for the vial.

Dax would never admit it out loud, but he was the tiniest bit nervous. Just a bit. One never knew what to expect when they masqueraded as a fake noble in the royal castle, waiting to steal a precious object right from under their noses.

He could be caught. He could be hanged, tortured, stabbed, maimed, whipped, and beheaded.

But there was also the slightest chance that he could pull off the best robbery in history, and have fun while he was doing it.

Dax sighed. Decisions had to be put into careful consideration during this mission. One wrong move, and he was toast.

Uri had obtained a layout of the royal castle, by unknown means, of course. Once Dax had told him that the vial might possibly be inside Sagewick, the crime lord had been very willing to help Dax get in unnoticed. The two had spent the last few days plotting and speculating where the object could be. They also had decided how Dax would gain entrance without attracting unwanted attention.

Rather, he would be gathering much anticipated attention.

The plan was for Dax to infiltrate the castle under the guise of a lord from the northernmost fiefs of Ester. Uri had heard the recent announcement to the people of the anticipated suitor's competition for the Crown Princess' hand, and decided it would be the perfect incentive for the mission at stake.

According to Uri, the Royal Princess Amarantha Azalea Amaryllis Aster was to be wed by the end of the year to a noble man that could survive a difficult series of tests issued by King Alistair himself. Twenty men from the most eligible ranks around Ester had been invited to take part in the contest. There would be ten separate events, with two men eliminated each round if they failed to complete the task or came in last place. Once two men were left standing, Princess Amarantha would choose one of the suitors to be her husband.

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