7: Men Made of Money

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"You look beautiful, Your Highness."

"Thank you, Poppy." Amara twisted around to observe herself in her vanity mirror, her lips drawn into a thin line. Though she hated the occasion, she would be lying if she said she didn't want to look good for the gathering in the throne room today. She liked dressing up, and this was as good an event as any to wear her elaborate gowns and accessories.

Today she donned a royal blue dress, with detailed, intricate designs. It was one she rarely got to wear, as it was too plain for a ball but too fancy for a normal day in the castle. It fit her body perfectly, well tailored to create a simple yet elegant look as the reigning heir apparent of Ester.

The corset wasn't too restricting, allowing her extra room to breathe, and the neckline was a standard square cut, keeping the dress more on the modest side of the spectrum. The fabric was a lightweight cotton. The skirts floated along with her movements as she walked around her chambers, trying to locate a missing sapphire earring that she was supposed to have found last night.

The gown was probably the only good thing she would experience that day.

Blythe, her usual maid, was there as well as Poppy, to make sure the Princess didn't make a fool of herself by wearing mismatched shoes, and to make sure the preparations went smoothly. Blythe was used to the hustle and bustle of grand events at Sagewick. She could be trusted to get the job done, even if it was last minute.

The two maids watched Amara as she absentmindedly threw cushions around, not paying attention to what she was doing. Her mind was racing. What are they like? she wondered. I bet they're ugly. They're probably weird and boring.

She half-heartedly tore her duvet away from the bed in an attempt to reveal the earring. What if they're rude and insulting? What if I offend them? Wait, scratch that. I want to offend them. But what if father discovers what I say to them? She shivered. Perhaps that wasn't the best plan. Maybe she could just ignore them? No, then they'd only insist on trying to get her attention.

She shook the curtains over the windows, knowing that it would reveal nothing. What do I do? Her eyes fell on the silver diadem on the vanity table, glistening in the sunlight. Then she beamed. That's it!

The diadem was hers, a trademark of her status. It wasn't her fanciest ornament that bespoke of her rank, but it complimented the dress well and it served the smaller social occasion that the suitor meeting was. It was her best weapon for the battlefield she walked on.

Amara grinned at herself in the mirror. She may not have her sword, but what she did have in her possession was a guaranteed source to ensure her future victory.

"Your Highness," came a low voice from behind her. She turned to see Blythe holding up her missing sapphire earring, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Blythe, you're a lifesaver," Amara breathed, and quickly snatched the earring and put it on. "Where was it?"

"Here, Your Highness," Blythe said, indicating a spot on the bed that Amara had overlooked.

Amara nodded her thanks once more and turned back to the vanity, seating herself in the cushioned chair in front of the mirror. The diadem sat in front of her, waiting to be worn.

Poppy came up beside her, eager to arrange the Princess' hair. As the maid's skilled fingers wove her thick brown locks into a series of winding braids, Amara breathed a silent prayer to the gods that her plan would work exactly the way she wanted it to.


It was time.

Amara stood in the throne room alone, waiting. Her father was on his way. As soon as he got here, the suitors would be introduced, and her life would change forever.

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