xlii - Last Race

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ONE WEEK LATER, IT'S FINALLY the last race of the street races.

During that time, Demi has fixed her car, showed Rita around LA, to which she couldn't stop talking about how beautiful the city was and loved to come visit some more. Demi couldn't agreed more, LA is beautiful, and she loved the city, but she's thinking of moving somewhere else. Somewhere new, somewhere she can start again with Dallas, maybe Dubai, that place is drop dead gorgeous. Or maybe Malaysia, or even South Africa, Demi's not sure yet.

During the days, she spent time with Dallas, bonding with her and establishing their relationship again, Demi wants to be a better sister, a more responsible and mature woman then she was a year ago.

That means no drinking, smoking, and fighting; it's all thanks to Spencer.

Spencer had suggested rehab for her, but Demi quickly shot it down. She doesn't need any help, she can do this on her own. She's determined to change.

Ever since Demi pretty much drop a bomb on Dallas, telling her that their little sister was dead, Dallas has gone quiet, depressed and couldn't stop crying. Demi was right by her side, knowing exactly how she feel, she went through grieving all alone, but she wasn't gonna let Dallas suffer alone, not on her watch.

They both needed closure, so the best thing was them to move away from this place.

From this messy apartment—Demi still hasn't clean up, she's too lazy to do so—to a new house, possibly. When Demi wins tonight's race, she's sure that she's going to split up the money with Rita and her friends. One, it was a lot of money, and Demi didn't need it all. Second, she wanted to help Rita out on helping finding her daughter. Lastly, it's pretty much as a 'thanks for not leaving me, I know I'm a bitch but still' kind of gift for them.

Glad that they stood by her through all this time, and didn't betrayed her like someone.

It was now early July, and there was still much to summer left.

Demi can now say that Rita and her are close friends, best friends maybe, she isn't sure, but she does know that she wants to keep Rita around more. The Brazilian amuses her to no end, she's hilarious. Even if they probably would go their separate ways after tonight, Demi would make sure they stay in contact.

Looking up, she nudges Spencer softly. "Babe, you haven't said anything intelligent in a while, are you okay? This isn't you." She says softly, her arms wrap around her waist since Spencer was laying on top of her, she was texting the boys, wanting to know how they were doing. Their recovery is going great actually.

Spencer doesn't say a word, her arms were wrap around Demi and her face was buried in Demi's hair.

Demi was sure she was reading a book, The 5th Wave to be exact.

Demi moves her head slowly, only to see Spencer's eyes close, breathing softly. She was asleep.

Rolling her eyes, Demi sets her phone down and tightens her grip on Spencer before lifting her up, she stands slowly then carries the sleeping teenager to her bed. Demi lays her down, before pulling a blanket over her then leaves the room after kissing her forehead.

"Hey Demi," Rita says, looking over at her from her camera, she was scrolling through all the pictures she has taken from their day touring around LA. "where's blondie?"

"She's asleep. Have you seen Dallas? I haven't seen her all morning." Demi says, pushing a hand through her hair, glad she has dyed her hair back to it's original color.

Rita purses her lips, before nodding slightly. "She told me she wanted to be by herself for a while, she said she'll be back before night fall."

"Oh," Demi nods, moving to grab her phone from the floor. "okay, she should've told me, I could've give her some money." Picking the phone up, she shoves it in her back pocket.

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