Part 2

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Gerards POV::

The sun was shining brightly through the drapes. I tried to swallow but my throat was too dry, I got out of bed to go get a glass of water when I heard a bang in the kitchen. Frank was still in bed, no one else lives with me and I have no pets. I hurried into the hall and looked around the door frame looking into the kitchen. A hooded figure was standing by the sink, on instinct I ran over tackled it.

"Argh! Gerard, what the fuck!?" it screamed. I got up and looked at the man, I started laughing. It was only my little brother Mikey, he must have remembered where I keep the spare key.

"I'm sorry Mikes! I had no idea it was you." I apologised in between giggles. He pushed me off of him and stood.

"Where is your boyfriend?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh still in bed, I tired him out" I replied with a cheeky smirk. Mikey laughed and shook his head. He didn't really like hearing about Frank and I's sex life. He was bisexual himself and in a steady relationship with a girl I had never met. She might have been fake for all I know. Frank walked into the kitchen in his underwear, he had no idea Mikey was there.

"Holy crap!" He said as he ran out of the room. Frank was self concious and I was the only person to see him without a shirt on. Well, except his mother. He returned a few moments later with a rather oversized Iron Maiden hoodie and tight black pants.

"So, hey Mikey, how's it?" He asked my brother.

"Oh y'know pretty good, and yourself?" He replied adjusting his glasses.

"I am awesome. Tired though..." Said Frank rubbing his eyes. Frank hadn't been sleeping well lately, I had woken quite a few times in the past week to notice him in the living room watching tv in the middle of the night. I wondered if anything was on his mind, when Mikey leaves I'll talk to him about it maybe.

"Well, Mikey, Frank, you guys want a coffee? I was going to make one before I tackled poor Mikes here." I asked.

"Sure", answered Mikey.

"Fuck yes!" Frank answered. I started preparing the coffee while Mikey and Frank went into the living room to wait.

Franks POV::

I lead Mikey into the living room and collappsed onto the couch, he mirrored my actions in the chair opposite.

"So, Mikey what brings you to this neck of the woods?" I questioned playfully. Mikey twiddled his thumbs and looked at the floor whilst replying to my question.

"Alex, m-my boyfriend l-left me..." He started sobbing, I stood up and hugged Mikey. Even though Mikey was taller than me he was a hell of a lot thinner.

"Oh sweetheart, what happened?" I soothed.

"He ch-cheated on me!" He cried into my shoulder, I knew how he felt, before I got together with Gerard I was dating a guy called Max, we hadn't had sex or anything but it still hurt a lot. In fact I didn't even know that Mikey was dating a guy, I thought that he was in a relationship with a girl.

"Oh Mikes, I'm so sorry, if there is anything me and Gerard can do. Even if it means beating his brains in." I said with a faint laugh just in case he was offended. He laughed a small laugh, it wasn't much but it was just enough. Gerard walked in and set the coffees down on the table in the middle of the room. He glanced at Mikey then at me, he double taked back to Mikey and gasped.

"Mikes! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He half screamed.

"Sshh..." I whispered. I set Mikey down on the chair and took Gerard into the hallway.

"The guy he was dating left him. They lived together and Mikey needs a place to stay." I whispered, Gerard had a look of total shock on his face, he didn't know until now that Mikey had moved out of his parents house. Mikey was never very comfortable at home, it was strange.

"Oh god, poor Mikey. He can stay here, if you don't mind that is." Gerard mumbled.

"Yeah, course." I said as we walked back to Mikey, he was curled up on the couch and whimpering. He looked so helpless and broken, I knelt down in front of him and pulled him towards me.

"Sweetie, you can stay with us if you don't want to go back home okay." I soothed, I wrapped him in a warm hug and he cried on my shoulder for a bit before whispering that he wanted his Geebear. Gerard took over the hug, the coffees left forgotten on the table getting cold. I grabbed the box of tissues from the table (left there from two nights ago when Gee and I were watching The Lovely Bones) and dabbed at Mikeys eyes.

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