Don't cheat on Emily Scott

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Don't cheat on Emily Scott

Tom worked as a successful businessman. He met a beautiful lady named Emily Scott. He fell madly in love with her and decided to make her his bride. Emily agreed and was happy to get married to the gorgeous Tom. On the night before their wedding, Emily was trying out her wedding dress and found Tom's wallet in the shopping bag. She decided to see him and returned his wallet. It was past midnight, so she didn't change out of her wedding dress. When she got to Tom's mansion...

Don't cheat on Emily Scott (Part 2)

When Emily got to Tom's mansion, she knocked on the door a few times but no one answered. She knocked again and waited patiently. Emily got mad and started kicking the door with her wedding shoes, but still no answer. She went to the mansion's back door and found it unlocked. She opened it without hesitation and went in. She put Tom's wallet on the kitchen table and suddenly heard someone giggling upstairs. Emily walked up the stairs to investigate. She heard Tom and someone else giggling in Tom's bedroom. Emily tried opening the door, but it was locked so she peeked

Don't cheat on Emily Scott (Part 3)

Emily tried opening the door, but it was locked so she peeked through the keyhole and found Tom and a blonde woman making love in his bed. Furious, Emily ran down the stairs and went into the garage to get an axe. She walked up the stairs, humming the wedding march tune. Tom heard someone humming but ignored it to continue satisfying himself. Emily banged the bedroom door with the axe and Tom and the blonde girl jumped out of bed, half-naked. "I swear to love you forever," Emily said over and over again. Tom begged her to drop the axe and kept on babbling about how he was sorry, and that he loved her very much. Emily smiled her beautiful smile and...

Don't cheat on Emily Scott (Part 4)

Emily smiled her beautiful smile, and her smile turned into a wicked grin. She hit the blonde woman, who fell onto the bed. Emily looked at Tom with the same wicked grin and start wrapping her arms around his waist, and kissed him passionately. The next morning, the police found the blonde woman's body with her head chopped off and found Tom's skinned body, but they never found his head. On the wall, Emily wrote "Don't cheat on Emily Scott" in her own blood. They say she is still alive and now lives in London. In her house there will be Tom's head hanging on her bedroom wall. Pretty scary, huh! So, to all the guys out there, never ever cheat on your loved ones... Mwahahahaha!

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