Other scary storys

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The white death

There was once a little girl that hated life and she wanted to get rid of every trace of herself off the planet. Soon, She killed herself and people found out. The people that found out died a few days later. Their limbs torn apart. They say if you know of The White Death, She will come and find you and constantly knock on your door. Each knock gets louder. You can't tell anyone about her, But if you do, She strikes. Killing you and then goes for the person you told. My friend told me of the White Death and i always hear knocks on my door. I can't take it anymore so i'm telling you people so it can stop. She doesn't want anyone to know about her, Thats why she kills. Now that you know of her, She'll be coming for you. Don't tell anyone you'll be torn apart limb..by limb. I'm sorry i told you this... no matter where you go, She will find you and keep knocking till you kill yourself. Or you tell someone else

The Clown Doll

A little girl named Judi was having her 7th Birthday, so her dad took her out shopping to buy a gift. She walked past a doll section and chose a little clown with a red nose and fuzzy green hair that was holding up 5 fingers with one hand and the other hand behind its back. "I want this little clown, Daddy," she said with a smile. Her dad said, "Sure." Little Judi went home and put her clown on her shelf and went to sleep... The next morning, Judi's dad called to Judi, "Wake up, honey, time for breakfast!" ...There was no answer. The dad walked up to Judi's room and knocked on the door. There was still no answer. He busted open the door, getting worried, and saw Judi on the floor, dead. Then he looked up at the clown on the shelf. It was now holding up 6 fingers

This Is Scarrryyyyy

There once was a girl and her friend at the pool. When they got there the pool was closing in one hour, so they decided they would hide in the girls' locker room and go back swimming after everyone left. When it was closing time and the manager locked the door, they went swimming in the pool. They were having sooo much fun, until one of the girls remembered a story about a boy who drowned in water, and that when you're all alone he will pull you down and you will drown. The other girl thought that was a stupid story. Then when the girl who was scared got out of the pool, the other girl stayed in longer. Right when she decided to get out, someone pulled her down. While under the water the only thing she remembered was a little boy with a messed up face. When the other girl got out of the bathroom she couldn't find her friend. Then she looked down at the pool, and her friend was lying there, DEAD.

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