urban legends

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David the Doll Once there was a boy named Sam. He always talked to a little doll he called David, and took it everywhere with him. One day his parents told him they were all going to Disneyland. When the day came, the parents both looked at each other and then told the boy that he had to leave that "thing" home. The boy threw a fit and then looked at his parents. His eyes were red with hate. He said, "David is not a thing and he don't want you to go to Disneyland, either." The next day the entire family was found dead in the living room. And to this day it is said that when you go to see the house, in the living room there is always going to be a dead family, and David will be in the little boy's arms forever and ever....The Black Market A student at a party took a sip of her drink and suddenly passed out. Soon she woke in an ice cold bath. She felt something was wrong, then she looked at her belly and right down it was a scar!! Now she got a fright and screamed. You could hear her scream for miles. Soon the ambulance came, saying these exact words: "Your kidney has been took and is being sold at the black market." Soon that girl died, and people say if you say to your self "I don't need my kidney," she will come to you at night and scream with laughter, and in your dreams she will come and take your kidney and in life you will be sitting in a bath full of ice and a scar down your belly... so watch out!!!! Haunted House Once there was this house. It was built in 1983. A small family lived there. A mother, and her three children. Once, the mother went to a friend's house and left the kids at home. They played video games until they got tired and then they fell asleep. They woke up to a swish...swish...swish sound coming from the bathroom. There on the wall was a note that said "LOOK IN THE ATTIC!?" They went into the attic but didn't see anything. Then the light went out and they saw a woman with dark brown hair holding a knife. So, to this day, if you go to that house, and look in the attic, you will find there spirits appearing in the window, and you'll be dead the next day...!~okay so i got this off the internet and i was wondering if games even were invented in 1983 and they were so yea~Killer in the Backseat A 22-year-old girl had a job cleaning a hairdresser's floor and one night was asked to lock up. This meant she would finish at 11 o'clock. She didn't mind this, so she did lock up. When she got in her car and drove for a little while she noticed she was being followed, and the person in the car kept flashing his headlights at her. So she called her dad and asked her to meet her outside her house because someone was following her. When she got home she vaulted out of her car and ran to her dad. Her dad then walked to the car that was following her and asked the man in the car what his reason for following her was. The man replied, saying, "I followed her because there was a man in the back about to stab her, and every time I flashed my lights he ducked." The dad walked over to the car and found a knife in the backseat. Jackie the Doll Once there was a girl named Lizzy, who just had birthday. Her mother took her to her favourite toy shop to let her choose a present. Lizzy chose a doll that waved its arms, and asked her mother if that present was okay. 'Sure!' said her mother. Lizzy's mother bought the doll and they went home. Lizzy named the doll 'Jackie.' Lizzy loved Jackie, and went to sleep with him. Her mother had to go to a parents' evening, and told Lizzy she'd be back soon. 'Dad's here anyway,' she said. Lizzie went to sleep, but suddenly, for no reason, woke up. What awakened her? She felt thirsty and went downstairs to get a drink. But on the way, something made her look into her dad's study. And there he was... her dad, lying dead on the floor with a bloody belt around his neck. Next to her dad sat the little doll Jackie. His arms were slowly waving side to side with bloody fingers... When you have a birthday, please be careful what you buy for a present. Don't pick Jackie. I'm warning you...

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