Author's Note (Not A Chapter Yet)

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Hey everyone,

I haven't posted another chapter yet because I'm currently going through thought processes and how I want to proceed.

I have a lot more memory about stuff from the point I'm at in my story time-wise, so please bear with me. I don't want to mix some stuff up and have an odd flow like I felt some of the end of the last chapter was.

Once I'm finished writing everything, I'm going to go back and edit. I do everything from my phone, since I don't have a computer.

That makes editing on-the-go kind of tough, especially since I don't pre-write anything. I'd rather go with the flow. I remember a lot more stuff as I write... So that's another reason for the methods of my madness.

Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying what I have so far. Please comment and vote. As I saw another writer on here say before, don't be a silent reader! (Please)

Depression: The Struggle (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now