Chapter Three

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'...' - Eliza talking to Inner Sakura.

... - Inner Sakura speaking.

"Okay then, introductions?"

"Like what? I mean, what are we supposed to say?" I asked, despite already knowing.

"Things you like, hate, hobbies, and dreams for the future. The basics." Kakashi answered, with a hidden eye roll.

Naruto piped up, "Why don't you go first! So we can see how it works!"

"Alright,  I'm Kakashi Hatake. The things I like and hate... Mmn, I don't really  feel like telling you that. Dreams for the future...? Dunno. Hobbies? I  have lots of them. Now then, your turn." he pointed to Naruto.

Ah, as expected, the famed none-answer introduction.

"Believe  it! My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like cup ramen, especially the ramen  at..." I nodded along, a small smile tugging at my lips. Naruto and his  usual love for ramen never failed to add a little cheer to the mood.  Unlike a certain someone.

After he finished, Kakashi gave an affirmative nod. I took this as my sign to speak.

"My  name is Sakura Haruno... I like the sun, and dislike those who are  prejudiced. My hobbies are reading and sketching. My dream, no, goal is  to... survive." Kakashi nodded again with a glimmer of surprise that I  missed, and waved his hand at Sasuke to begin.

"My name is Sasuke  Uchiha..." And blah, blah, blah. Cut the crap. I discreetly scowled.  Whereas Naruto's introduction added cheer, Sasuke's only added gloom  and...emo-ness. Wasting my time on this dreary introduction was going to  suck years from my life. Besides, why kill a man when you could simply  capture and torture the heck out of them? Keeping him alive and making  his life hell for the rest of his life would be much better revenge. The stupidity of people sometimes.

"  least you three have unique personalities." Kakashi started, though I  didn't care enough to listen afterwards. There was something about a  test, the passing rate not being high, and where to meet tomorrow - I  knew that. Listening again would not to me any good. Besides, how likely  would Kakashi divert from the bell-test? Things were pretty close to  canon as far as I could see.

Everyone soon parted and went their  separate ways, with Naruto chatting up a storm to fill the empty space.  Man, this team really needs some work.


I  flopped down onto my girly bed, dirty clothes and all. The bell test  was tomorrow... and I haven't the faintest idea what to do. Well, more  like, I was physically too weak to actually do anything.

Traps: I  could set up a few basic ones, but I didn't have the imagination like  Naruto to do anything really impressive. So, that was out.

Ninjutsu: My chakra reserves were just pathetic. Sure I could work it out eventually, but for the bell test? Nah.

Genjustsu: Eh. I didn't have the mastery for it to do any real damage. The most I could manage was doing some little dispelling jutsu.

Taijutsu: I pant after only a few laps. Blame Sakura.

Looking back, I'm pretty much screwed aren't I? Haha... Ha...

Don't worry! Why don't we do what Naruto did in the anime?

'Hmm?' My attention was captured.

Remember the diversion tactic that he used? Except this time, we'll make it better!

'You've  got a point. We'll have Naruto make his shadow clones and distract  Kakashi. Sasuke will also help by being the one to attack. But wait...  Before we do even that, maybe we'll booby-trap the training ground and  make it to our advantage! Let's see...' Fan fictions, come to my aid!

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