Tip #10

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Different students prefer different methods of organization. Some teachers do not force a lot of notes on you, and others may force you to take 3 pages of notes every day. Some students are better at staying organized than others. Pay attention to your individual needs. If you are a student who is super organized, have the majority of teachers not forcing too many notes on you (1 page of notes a day), and are willing to empty out your binder into a bigger binder at home time to time, you may prefer having only one large three ring binder for all your classes and have only one section per class. This can help you keep a lighter load in your backpack. If you are a student who is very disorganized, have teachers who require you to l many sections per class (or you just prefer to have several sections), and have teachers who make you take many notes per day, it's best for you to keep a separate binder for each major class (math, history, science, English, language class), and a large one for minor outside classes. For most students who are in between, carry a morning and afternoon binder with 1-2 sections per class, depending on the number of notes and importance of the class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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