Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Samuel's P.O.V.

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard Nathan scream while sitting on the couch; I turned my head and his red face came into view. "What's wrong?" I asked in panic while pushing myself off of the seat. I twisted around to face him and clenched my fist incase someone's in the house. "There's a- a- there's- I saw a..." He stuttered. "A WHAT? A RAPIST? A MURDERER? A CRIME SCENE? A WHAT!" I shouted in fear of our safety. "A SPIDER!" He screamed back towards me. "A spider?" I asked in a questioning tone towards him, he nodded his head and ushered for me to follow him into the kitchen.

"Well what do you want me to do with it?" I asked towards Nathan. The corner of his lips turned upwards while he punched his hand in a squishing motion. I gulped and looked towards the small spider crawling across the floor.


Spider's P.O.V.

'Where is my web?' I thought frustratingly to myself. The coldness of the tiles stabbed my feet and made me cold. Two giants stood above me and cast their shadows down upon me. Their boring conversation disturbing the peace that usually floats around the kitchen. 'I wonder what they're talking about?' I thought while looking at their moving lips.

One of the giants moved and cast their shadow upon me. I stopped and looked up at him. He lifted his foot up and sent it cascading down towards me. This is it. This is how I'm going to die. Apparently it's not a painful experience, but still...

I closed my eyes and waited for death to greet me. Instead the foot landed beside me and a hand picked me up. I sat on the skin of his hand and looked at the smoothness of it. 'Should I bite him or nah?' I contemplated silently to myself. 'Nah.' I finally agreed, he didn't kill me after all.


Samuel's P.O.V.

I picked up the spider delicately while opening up the window. I dropped it onto the nearby hedge and shut the window quickly. My brave aroma hiding my fear. I'm not scared of anything...except spiders. "Wow I can't believe the spider didn't bite you; I wonder why?" Nathan asked inquisitively. I looked out of the window and the spider looked back at me, his eight eyes silently thanking me for not stepping on him.

"DING DONG!" The doorbell chimed loudly while me and Nathan finished packing up the pizza box. Nathan went to the door and came back with Jason slowly walking behind him. "Hey man." I greeted to him. "Hey." He replied while placing his plastic bag down. "I bought goody goody gum drops ice-cream if you guys want any." Jason offered politely.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Nathan exclaimed and leaned up to kiss Jason on the check. He pecked it for a second then wrapped his arms around him. He released himself and grabbed the ice-cream while running towards the kitchen. "Anyone want any?" He shouted back from the kitchen. "No thanks." I called back. "Um yeah; if you're offering." Jason replied. "What're you guys watching?" He asked curiously. "Scream queens." I replied bluntly.


Nathan's P.O.V.

Me and Jason sat with the blanket on our legs while watching Scream Queens. I dug my spoon into the container and clinked my spoon against his. A loud metallic clashing sound filled the air and attracted Samuel's glare. His emotionless face proving to be scarier then the show on T.V. itself.

"You can come sit over here if you want." I said to Samuel who redirected his gaze back towards the T.V. "No thanks." He replied grimly and avoided my eye contact.


3 hours passed of us watching a Scream Queens omnibus; along with all our episodes finishing; so to had our ice cream and I cried internally when I realized I was licking nothing but my spoon while reaching for some ice cream.

Jason unfortunately had to go and left me and Samuel sitting on the couches while he swiftly exited out of the front door. "That was fun." I said aloud while standing up and stretching. The solid couch proving to much strength for my innocent back. "Yes." Samuel replied bluntly.

I looked him over; his tensed muscles and folded arms causing me to fear him slightly. His tight jaw squirming while he kept his words down. "Are you alright?" I asked Samuel whose eyes enlarged and looked towards me. "AM I ALRIGHT?" He shouted. "AM I ALRIGHT? NO I'M NOT ALRIGHT; WHEN I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU, YOU DIDN'T SAY IT BACK; BUT YOU'LL SAY IT TO JASON, SOMEONE NOT AS CLOSE TO YOU AS I AM?" He screamed at me. My mouth gaped open and I took a step back. I started running towards the doorway and exited out of the front door.


Ohhhhhhhh where do you think he's going? :o



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