Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Samuel's P.O.V.

"Samuel it's mum;  I left the washing in the machine and was wondering if you could grab and hang it out for me."  My mum said in a loving, motherly tone;  my heartbeat slowing slightly as I registered her request.  "Ughhh...sure."  I replied, stunned at the fact that it's not  the stranger.  "Oh and before I  get back to work;  can you please put Samuel on the phone, I have a question to ask him."  My mother asked urgently.  "Umm...he can't come to the phone at the moment;  he's...sacrificing rabbits."  I lied badly;  I gulped.  "Okay then...;  well tell him to call me.  Love you."  My mother instructed me before hanging up the phone.

I waited in silence and registered my thoughts before I set myself up on the couch.  The phone started to beep and I glared at it evilly.  Should I get up and remove myself from my blissful seat?  Or should I stay and let the newest episode of Scream Queens entertain me?


Nathan's P.O.V.

I waited for the phone to connect while sitting on the dirty sofa.  "You have Reached Samuel's phone;  I'm either playing sports or my phone is charging so...leave a message and I'll get back to you.  BEEP!"  The phone instructed me, I sighed and ended the  call;  not wanting to leave Samuel my profanities.

I picked my phone back up and dialled his number again.  The beeping slowly tortured me and I nearly connected my finger with the red button before he finally replied.  "Who's this?"  He asked in a suspicious tone.  I gulped and breathed uneasily.  "It's me Nathan;  can you come pick me up."  I asked him desperately.

The line went silent and I closed my eyes tightly and waited for his response.  "Ugh sure;  I was going to watch T.V. but it's fine I guess;  where are you?"  He asked.  I pushed myself  up off of the couch and headed outside the slimy ground apartment.  "Hold up."  I instructed him as I walked towards the corner dairy.  'WELCOME TO MIDDLEGATE'S DAIRY'  The sign said in bright pink letters.  "Um I'm in Littlegate."  I replied unsurely.

"YOU'RE WHERE!  HOW'D YOU GET TO MIDDLEGATE?  THAT'S OVER 1 HOUR AWAY."  Samuel screamed to me while I held the phone away from my ear.  "Please just come pick up;  I want to go home."  I instructed him helplessly.  "Okay;  go to the Middlegate park and wait there for a while.  I'll come as quick as I can."  He instructed me.  "Okay."

(20 minutes later)

I spotted a black sports car speeding down the main road and it pulled itself into a tight parking spot.  "SAMUEL!"  I shouted excitedly while running towards him;  a blank look plastered his face and he stood just outside his car.  A black coat hung loosely around his shoulders, matching a pair of skin tight denim jeans.

I sprinted up to him and wrapped my arms around him, he reciprocated the action and held me in a tight embrace.  "I thought you said that it's over an hour away;  how'd you get here so fast?"  I asked curiously.  "I was going at about 200 most of the way, but never mind about that.  How'd you get out here?"  He asked while turning around and sliding in the drivers side of  the car.

I walked towards the passengers side and hopped into the warm car;  the scent of cinnamon licked the air and hung around lightly.  "I was...I went to Danny's and Freddy was there aswell;  they were drunk so I decided to get drunk too.  And I don't know, when I woke up I was in an apartment but no one else was in the room."  I explained to him, his unimpressed face signalling he's not impressed.

"Well I'm glad you're safe;  if anything had of happened to you I would've never forgiven myself."  Samuel confessed bluntly while reversing out of his parking spot and heading back home.  "Why?  It's not your fault."  I informed him.  A silent fight waged at Samuel's lips, the silent side of the fight winning him and keeping them shut.  But then it lost.

"It is my fault.  If I hadn't been jealous of you and Jason then you would've never run away;  and if you never would've run away then you  would've stayed at home;  and if you'd had stayed at home then we wouldn't be having this conversation."  He told me while cranking up the speed limit and speeding home.

"It's not your fault.  You can't protect me all th-"  I tried to finish my sentence, but Samuel's constant growling interrupted me.  "I want to protect you because I care about you;  and I care about you because I love you.  I fucking love you."  He confessed to me, I looked towards him, his sharp cheek bones providing a nice view.  A silence fell into the car while we waited for my response.


What do you think his response is going to be? :)

Btw thanks for keeping the book ranked!  Really appreciate it ^_^



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