Chapter 02:17 but 13

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This chapter will finally be revealed who's the guy who carried Charmaine home.

*drums please* /its berry obvious i mean just look at the media\
My Woozi's POV
I panted heavily after I tried chasing Mingyu who stole my precious and expensive chocolate."Mingyu you big brat."I tried to catch my breath.

"Woozi hyung you small brat."He stuck out it tongue and I managed to ran towards him.I quickly snatched my chocolate back.Laughing mischievously, I wrestled him to death like what I usually do.

I stood up and said."I win again!"I happily smiled and then stuck my tongue out

"Mingyu and Woozi, You've done it again!"Wonwoo shouted putting his hands on his hips.

I looked around,it was a big mess.The clothes are everywhere not to mention a breif was on Hoshi hyun's face who was sleeping peacefully without noticing, the chairs fell down, the pillows are scattered everywhere and the vase is broken again.I smiled, "It was Mingyu hyung/Woozi."We said in unison.

"Both of you go inside the room.Now !"Wonwoo hyung said.

"Mingyu hyung stole my chocolate!"

"He bullied me!"

"When I say now, it's now."He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You can't stop me because i'm tall !"I said

"Stop dreaming hyung."Dk smirked.

"Mingyu carry that small kid."Wonwoo said.

"I'm not small and no one can stop me."I whined while pouting.

But in the end Mingyu carried me.Well, I guess Dk was right,big people can stop me but still, I may be small but better.

As he was carrying me, the door opened.I saw s.coups carrying a girl who seems unconscious."Hyung, who's that girl? Is he you girlfriend ?Omo you never told us you had a girlfriend.Since when --"I continuously said but he cut me off."Mingyu and Woozi, did you did this mess?"S.coups said with an angry tone.

"N-no."We both stammered, not wanting to get scolded...Again.

"Anyways, I found this girl dreading in the middle of the road.I asked her she was alright, she replied do I look like i'm alright and later said sorry.I don't know but she lost conscious when she saw me."S.coups explained.

"Mingyu put me down"I demanded.


I went near the unconscious girl.I put my palms on her forehead."She's burning."I stated."Take her to the room were no one sleeps."

"Ne."He nodded.

Me,S.coups,Mingyu, The8 and Jeonghan went inside the room.The8 brought a little towel mean while Jeonghan brought a bucket of water.The girl remained sleeping and was still burning."She's hot."Mingyu said.

S.coups hyung smirked "What are you trying to imply?"

"I was saying that she has high fever."

"Ow.Mian, I thought you said she's hot."

Charmaine's POV
I opened my eyes and looked around, I'm in a small white room and I was sleeping in this bunk bed.A man is sleeping next to me, probably watching over me while I was asleep.Who is he? Where am I? how did I get here.This isn't my house so I better get out.

I slowly stood up, trying not to wake up the guy."Oh you're awake."He rubbed his eyes.He looks cute but short and his pink strawberry hair whatever fits on him.

"Ah--Eh--Uhmmm.. Mian, I didn't inten--"Before I could say the last words he cut me off.

"It's okay."

"Weeelll....I'll go home."I said and slowly walking away but he grabbed my hand,his hands feels so soft.I blush at that thought.

"How? I mean S.Coups hyung said that you ran away from home."

"How did you--I mean how did he know ?"I asked.

"You were mumbling things while you were unconscious, S.coups hyung said so..."

"A-ani.I ac-ctually have a home here hehe."I said plastering a fake smile.

"You're blatantly lying."He smirked and looked straight at me.

"Okay okay okay fine, I am homeless."Lowering my head and not looking at him,I admitted.

"Well then, why don't you live here only for a while?"

"Do I have to pay?"I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Depends on S.coups hyung."

"I-I don't know if I have to agree on that."

"Or better yet you better go home and say sorry."He said.

"N-no way!I-I don't wanna go home."I stammered.I tried to held my tears back as everything reminisces from my mind but then again, I can't seem to hold my tears.Augh, this is so me.I just can't restrain myself when I reminisce my past,the horrible memories.I tend to show the true me whenever I think of my past and I don't want to show people me,the real me.

I covered my face,not wanting to show the crying me.He grabbed my hand,put his hands on my waist and hugged me,trying to calm me down. (A/N:OH MY GOD,I CAN'T IMAGINE ME AND WOOZI DOING THAT.)I don't know him nor his name but I have this urge to hug him back and I don't know why."Shhh..."He hushed,hugging me tightly.

"P-please protect me."I don't know why I blurt these cheesy words out.I am supposed to keep these kind of things secret but I just don't know why I blurted it out on this guy.

"Shhhhh."He hushed and hummed a beautiful song.Impressive, he can sing very well if he hums very well.Didn't know that this small kid has a beautiful voice that anyone would fall for.


*let's just skip to where seventeen introduces themselves .Im a lazy writer alright*

"Wow.So you call yourselves SEVENTEEN?wae?I mean you're only 13."They are 17 but 13.

"Seventeen is composed of three different teams which are the vocal team, performance team and the hip hop team. Since we are assigned in these teams which means we are capable of doing things that I am assigned to for an example I, S.coups is from the hip hop team so I am capable of rapping. Each one of us has talents."S.coups stated.

"Ohhhh.."I sad nodding my head.Putting a hand on my chin, Oh gosh.How could I?I slowly realized something that I should've realize."Sooo you're idols?"I asked.

"Hmm...Technically I mean, we are idols only in our school."S.coups replied.

"Oh My God.I guess I stepped on the wrong place.Gotta go."I fake smiled,waved my hands, turned around and walked away but then again Hansol, or was it Hanso? Can't memorize their names...Hansol held my hand, stopping me.

"Once you've stepped foot on our house, there is no going back."Hansol smiled then smirked.

I looked at them, tears don't please fall down."K-kamsahamnida."I smiled and a tear fell down.

They just looked at me and smiled.I smiled without knowing that these thirteen boys are going to make my life upside down.

Gosh why does it feels like chap 2 is chap 1 or prologue ? Dem.

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