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Shadow's POV

Sonic and Tails sat opposite of each other on the couches, and I stuffed my face full of Tails' cookies... (What? They're good!)

I kept my ears pricked for Sonic's conversation though. "After all these years you finally did something. . ." Tails said with a sigh.

All these. . . Years? He really has liked me for that time. . . How could I not have noticed? "Well. . . I hadn't known how to come off about it! If I knew all I had to do was pull a silly prank I would have done it long ago." Sonic said and rolled his eyes.

I budded into their conversation, I didn't like to be talked about even if it was good things. "Tails, how to you make these so good?" I asked and ate another one. Tails shrugged. "Vanilla gave me the recipe. Remember her?" Tails responded. I nodded in wonder. I like these as much as Claire's chocolate waffles. . . Am I going to become fat? I looked down at my stomach, which I had struggled to do because of my chest fur.

Nope, still skinny as hell. . . I put my hands on my hips and stretched back, "So. . . Shadow, are you planning on moving in?" Sonic asked with a smirk and a raised brow.

My face flushed as his intentions for me moving in. It would mean a lot more sex, I thought and looked down. but that isn't a bad thing. . .

"Yeah. I don't see why not." I answered him. Tails smiled. "Ha, guess I won't have to clean up your room anymore, eh Sonic?" Tails said with a laugh and leaned back.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "What does that mean?" He demanded back. Tails giggled before answering him. "I'm saying you're a slob, and Shadow is a neat person, as in he keeps things clean himself."

I shrugged. "I like to be clean. . . " I said simply and sat down beside Sonic, who wrapped his arms around my shoulder in turn. Tails cleared his throat and I narrowed my eyes at the ground, my arms crossed.

"Anyway, how was the trip?" Sonic asked. Tails let out a sigh and sat up. "Well. . . I met a lot of people, and didn't do much besides eat and talk. Even though that was fun I can do that anywhere I go. . . Otherwords- it sucked." He said. "Sounds like it." Sonic said with a smile.

"Is that why you came back early?" I asked curiously. Tails nodded. "It wasn't the . . . Best of trips. And I am a really hard person to bore." He said defensively. Sonic and I both nodded in agreement.

A knock on the door startled us all. Sonic dashed to the door and opened it, his head tilting. "Hey. . . I. . . Blew up my lab again. Think I could stay with you for a while Sonic?" Eggman's voice asked. I groaned and stood up approaching the door. "Shadow what are you doing here?" Eggman asked. I shrugged. "Stuff." I responded simply, implying to Sonic I didn't want the doctor to know.

"Is it alright if he stays?" Sonic asked. I shrugged, I honestly didn't care. I used to work for Eggman so as long as he didn't walk in on us . . . Doing it, we should be fine. "Its your call Sonic!" Tails yelled from the other room.

Sonic shrugged and turned to the doorway, back to Eggman. "Yeah, come on in." Sonic said. Orbot and Cubebot just behind him. Tails smiled at seeing them, probably because they switched sides so much that they might have become friends.

I narrowed my eyes at Eggman, a death glare if you will. If he tries to hurt any one while he's here then I'll rip off his arms.

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