Oh. . . my. . .

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Shadow's POV (still)

My face flushed and I felt like I was going to be sick. Orbot and Cubot twitched and their mechanics sounded, telling Sonic that it wasn't Tails as the door, but his arch nemesis.

"Dr. I think you're interrupting a new tactic of fighting." Cubot said innocently. Sonic pulled the cover over us and flipped over, making sure I was covered. His face was a bright pink though.

Orbot whispered something to Cubot and Cubot put his hads over his mouth. . . Or where his mouth would be.

"Er. . . Shadow. Are. . . We're you just." Eggman couldn't find the words to use. I looked to the ground and pulled the pillow over my face. The man who created me, and I used to work for just walked in on Sonic's and my foreplay. . . Oh my fucking Mobius kill me please!

"Yes. . . We we're. What was so important that you had to come into my room for?" Sonic asked, very irritated sounding. I mashed the pillow harder into my face.

"I just wanted to ask where the rubber bands are. . ." Eggman responded. "I didn't think you and Shadow were even comparable for friends. . ." He added. Orbot spoke up next, "It appears that they are compatible for more than that too." It said. I growled and threw the pillow down, glaring at the robot who was now hiding behind Dr Eggman's leg. "So help me Eggman if you don't leave I'm going to rip your little robots into pieces with my bare fucking hands!" I yelled. Eggman slowly backed out of the room, and Cubebot shut the door behind them quickly.

I fell back against the bed and ran my hands over my eyes. God fucking Damnit! I thought. Wait. . . Why am I so disappointed? . . . Probably because I was really looking forward to Sonic. I growled again and felt a hand wrap around my waist. I peared at Sonic with one eye, he was smirking and hugged me close to him.

"Now we get to start from the begining~." Sonic cooed with a purr in his voice as he pulled me against him and started to lick my neck.

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