Chapter 1

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"Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest,

never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead is where we truely belong."

- Alex Gaskarth


“Arianna...Ari, c’mon.” Noah sat on the end of the bed and ran his fingers along the underside of my foot. “We’re gonna be lateee...”

     “Mphhh.....” I grumbled, half asleep. “Noahgetoff!” I jabbed out my foot and kicked him in the side, earning a muffled “Oomph” and a “Didn’t hurt...” He pouted.

     “Ar, get up!” He grabbed my leg again and ran his fingers up the back of my calf to behind my knee. I giggled. “You know I’ll do what I have to do to get you up...” He warned.

     “You wouldn’t.” I propped myself up on my elbows and glared. His green eyes glinted mischievously.

     “Oh, I think we both know I would.” He cocked his head to the side, daring me to go back to sleep.    

     “Fine...” I sighed, tugging my foot from his grasp. “Give me five minutes then.” Rolling over and closing my eyes, feeling Noah’s weight lift off the end of the bed. I let out a long breath, glad to be left in peace.

      I opened one eye slowly as footsteps padded across the room. Peering out from beneath my lashes just in time to catch Noah pulling off the duvet. “Noah!”

     “I’m making you pancakes!” He yelled running from the room, as I bolted out of bed.

     I chuckled softly, there was no way I could be angry at him for long. I opened up my wardrobe and pulled out a low cut black tank top and my favourite pleated tartan skirt, which wasn’t exactly long. I quickly threw on my clothes running my fingers through my waist length wavy blonde hair, shaping my curls into ringlets that hung down over my chest as the smell of pancakes wafted up the stairs, I looked perfect.

     My thick black lashes framed my large blue eyes, my features were straight and angular  and my lips were naturally reddened into the perfect pout. I quickly applied mascara and a coat of clear lip gloss before grabbing my black stilettos from the bedroom floor. I loved heels; they made my tall 5”7 frame even taller.

     I grabbed my backpack, slinging it casually over one shoulder and sprinted down the stairs. When I reached the kitchen Noah’s tall 6”3, athletic body was hunched over a plate of pancakes, his blonde hair flopped in front of his eyes as he concentrated on making them look perfect. Aww, he looked adorable with mixture smeared on his nose wearing my mom’s cooking apron. “Take a picture it’ll last longer.” Noah mumbled, turning around to face me, a lazy grin spread across his face as he turned around, taking in my choice of clothing.

     “Take a picture it’ll last longer.” I mocked, sticking out my tongue, before dancing over to the kitchen table. “Where are my pancakes then oh mighty chef?” I raised an eyebrow as Noah scowled back at me.

     “Here” He placed a plate of delicious looking cinnamon pancakes on the table. “And you’re lucky I didn’t put raisins in them...” I froze, the fork halfway to my mouth.

     “I swear to god Noah Karson” My voice dropped to a dangerously low level. “If you had raisins anywhere near these things, I will cut you up into a million pieces and feed you to Rosie.” Noah shuddered, Rosie was our next door neighbour’s dog, she was huge terrifying Rottweiler that growled as you walked by their yard.

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