Chapter 2

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"He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears." - Michel de Montaigne


“Wait...what?” I cracked my knuckles. Loudly.

     “Ari, I like you.” He repeated.

     “Well, yeah I know, I like you too.” I was slightly confused; he broke up with Courtney because he....liked me? What?

     “I like you...” He stated each word slowly as if he were speaking to a child. “As more than a friend.” His eyes studied me carefully, surveying my reaction. His words took a moment to sink in, and when they did I was horrified.

     “WHAT?!” I yelled, completely taken aback by what he was saying.

     “What?” Noah echoed behind me. I elbowed him. “Hey!”

          “Shut up!” I turned back to Zac “What do you mean you like me as more than a friend?”

     “I mean, I like you as more than a friend, there’s really not much else to it...” Zac chuckled lightly, looking more than awkward in the situation he created.

     “Zac! You stupid, idiot, jerk, asshole, manwhore, slut, retarded... ALIEN....!” I punched him in the chest, Noah, Eli and Trinity were howling with laughter behind me.

     “Was that supposed to hurt me....?” He asked sheepishly.

     “YES!” I screamed, punching him again

     “Okay...err, ow?”  He pretended to rub the spot where I punched him. “Soo...what do you think?” He asked me.

     “If you’re referring to the whole Ari-I-like-you-as-more-than-a-friend thing...” The bell rang interrupting my rant, I grabbed my backpack. “Then there must be something seriously wrong with your head, and if there isn’t I will make damn sure there is!” I stamped on his foot childishly grabbing Noah’s hand and dragging him to our first class; art, my favourite subject.

     “Retarded alien?” Noah raised his eyebrows dumping his stuff in front of his easel.

     “Shut up...” I mumbled, blushing heavily.

     “That was by far my favourite insult of yours yet.” Noah was one of the only people, apart from Trinity that knew that when I get angry the stupidest, most random things come out my mouth.

     “Yeah, well just wait until I start on you...” I muttered, looking out my paint and paintbrushes as the teacher walked in a few minutes late; as usual.

     “Right class, listen up!” Miss May clapped her hands, yelling over the noise of the class. “Alright everyone shut up already! Finally! Okay today will be a free lesson of sort, I want you guys to really use your creative talents and paint whatever you want. It can be anything, absolutely anything, just use a little imagination.” As she announced this the whole class murmured eagerly. Anything huh?

     I pulled my paints out of my backpack and started squirting different colours on to my pallet. I knew exactly what I was going to paint.

     I stuck my earbuds in turning up the volume, zoning out completely, letting my mind focus on the memory and I dipped my paintbrush into the blue oil paint and let my brush gently caress the canvas. My hand swirling, making the curved lines. Making short sharp strokes as I added texture to the piece. Only vaguely aware Noah was jabbering away in the background, completely unaware that I couldn’t hear him.

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