Chapter 4

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 "If your head tells you one thing, and your heart tells you another, before you do anything decide first whether you have a better head or a better heart." - Albert Einstein


           “Details!” Noah appeared right in front of me. “I want details!” He grabbed my shoulders and shook me slightly.

            “Okay, okay...” I said as I peeled his fingers off my arms. “We got paired up in gym and He was being a royal SOB because he wouldn’t believe that I was super good at badminton and kept trying to steal the shuttle thingy from me.” I pouted.

            “Erm... Ari, have you even played badminton before?” He asked me sceptically.

           “NO, but I’m great at everything, why doesn’t anybody understand this?!” Noah just laughed at me. “So anyway...when he tried to steal it from me, I tried to serve it and he got too close and I accidentally whacked him over the head with my racket...”

           “Arianna.” He placed both of his hands on my shoulders. “You amaze me. You really do.” And with that he pulled me in for a hug, chuckling lightly. Man...boys are confusing. “But would you care to tell me how you ended up agreeing to go on a date with him?” He pulled away and raised his eyebrows.

          “Well....I kinda had to make up for injuring him.” I shrugged.

          “So...your idea of saying sorry was to go on a date with him?” Uh, oh...he sounded slightly pissed off at this. I have a feeling he doesn’t like Zac very much. “You couldn’t have just sent him a get well card or, uh, apologized?!”

          “I couldn’t say no....” I whined. “He made me feel bad!” He sighed and put his arm around me as we headed out into the school parking lot.

          “You really are something, Arianna Allen.”

         “Something awesome, I know.” I looked up at him and grinned as he playfully ruffled my hair.

        “Yeah....something like that.” He rolled his eyes. I opened the door to my mini and slid in the driver’s seat. “Why do we have to take your stupid girl car all the time?” Noah screwed up his face as we drove away. I mock gasped.

       “Shhhh...don’t listen to him!” I affectionately patted the dashboard. “He’s just kidding, he loves you really...” 

       “No I’m not! You’re cramping my style, my car’s much more manly!” He exclaimed.

      “Don’t let her hear you say that?!” I swatted his arm. “She has feelings too!”

      “What?! She does not have feelings. She is a car!” I hit him again, harder this time. “Will you please stop doing that?!”







      “Only when you apologise to my car and tell her that she is the awesomest car in the entire world.”

      “I’m not doing that!” He yelled. I hit him again. “FINE!” He gave up finally. “I’m sorry Ari’s car....” He grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2012 ⏰

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