Chapter 21: I'm Sorry

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Chapter 21: I'm Sorry

I sighed as I lay on Jacob’s bed. Isabella had to go to work and Jacob said he wanted to make me feel better so we were gonna watch movies and lie in bed and eat junk food all day. I was all for the idea, but I’d rather be doing it with Chresanto :/.

He came back with some movies in his hand and a bag of popcorn, along with a bunch of other processed sweets.

“Watcha got?”

“Nicholas Sparks. The Notebook, Dear John,-“

“I’m not in the mood for cheesy love movies.”

“But you like them for when you’re sad.”

“Not this kind of sad. I wanna watch something scary. Or violent.”

He thought about it for a while. “Still into old horror movies?” He smiled and I smiled back. Of course I was still into old horror movies. They were my favorite.

He left the room again and came back with two movies in hand, Silence of the Lambs and The Shining, two of my favorites. We used to watch them together all the time back when we dated. “Which one first?” He asked. I pointed to The Shining and he popped it in his DVD player.

After the movie was over, we were both laughing because we found the ending so funny. The main guy who tries to kill his family freezes in the cold, and his face is just priceless. Jacob turned in the bed to face me. “Before we start the other one, I want you to tell me what’s going on with you, Mel.”

“Jake I don’t feel like talking about Chres-“

“I said what’s going on with you, not Chresanto. I’m worried about cha.”

I let out a huge sigh. “I’m just really stressed out.”

“Why is that?”

“It feels like I’m dealing with so much.”


I gave him a look. He knows I hate talking about stuff. He was always trying to push it out of me, though. “Like Chresanto’s drinking problem. And the fact that he hates me. And the fact that we can’t be in a room together without screaming our heads off at each other. And the fact that I’m starting to have feelings for Daniel. And the fact that I still don’t want to break up with Chris. And the fact that I have to testify against Rayan in a few weeks. And the fact that I keep having nightmares. And the fact that none of it is getting easier. And the fact that I feel helpless when it comes to helping Chris with his problem. And the fact that I don’t know how to fix anything that’s going on between us, or even make it stop. And the fact that I cheated on him, and I don’t even feel sorry. Or the fact like I’m going back to my old ways.”

He was quiet for a minute. “Wow, that really is a lot.”

“I know.”

“You cheated on Chris again?”


“With who?”

“Who else? Daniel.”



“Christina’s pregnant.” He said and I looked at him with wide eyes. He didn’t look my way, so he probably didn’t want to talk about it. He just wanted to get it off his chest. We’d talk later.

“Let’s watch the movie.”

“Sounds like a good plan.


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