The Final Chapter

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Chapter 22: The Final Chapter


I sat down on the couch next to Jacob and stared at the ground. Melanie went into the kitchen with Isabella. Jacob noticed us going up and coming back down together so like always, he understood. “How was it man?” He asked me.

“Painful.” I said in a dull tone, not wanting to think about it anymore. I was already starting to question whether I made the right decision or not. I knew Melanie was definitely the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, but then again I was a sucky boyfriend and person and I meant it when I said she deserved better. So should I be selfish and stay with her or should I do the right thing and let her go? Would I be hurting her more by leaving her or staying with her? I couldn’t think about it anymore, because it would literally kill me.

Without actually trying to, I was watching her in my peripheral vision. She was saying something to Bella and occasionally wiping her eyes. Bella was nodding her head. Melanie’s eyes shifted to mine and my heart skipped a beat. I could tell she tried to turn away but she couldn’t. Instead she just looked at me with those big teary eyes. She was finally able to break away but she ended up quickly walking away to go upstairs.

I sighed and cradled my head in hands. This. Was. Hell.


I literally could not be in the same room as him. Like, what the fuck I was not this weak. No breakup has ever made me feel this awful. Shit. Even just looking at him killed me. Hearing his fucking name killed me. Shit. Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit.

I locked eyes with him and just couldn’t deal so I ran upstairs to go to bed early. I wanted to talk to Jacob about this ‘California’ business but I really just wanted to sleep. Anything to be able to just stop fucking thinking about fucking Chresanto.


I woke up that next morning to someone knocking on my door. It was Jacob. When I said sleepily he could come in, he closed the door quietly behind him and crawled into my bed. He was fully dressed and he smelled good too. “Hey Melanie. How are you.” He asked after making himself comfortable under the covers.

“I’m sick of people asking me that.” I said, kind of annoyed. I didn’t forget about him not telling me about California.

“Alright. So um, about California..”

I gave him my best pissed look.

“I was going to tell you, I just. I don’t know. I guess I knew you wouldn’t want to come and I was worried it would make you feel worse than you already did.”

“That makes sense. Yea you should have just waited until the day before to tell me. Just be like ‘Oh yea Melanie, we’re moving to California!” I said sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes. “We’re leaving out next week. You can stay in this house and do whatever you want with it. Don’t worry about paying the bills though, I’ll get that done. Um, it’s gonna be Me, Chris, Dan, Craig, Bella, and Bre. Do you have any other questions?”

“A week? Jacob, my trial is in three.” I was not going to do that alone. And once they all left I would have absolutely nobody.

“I know Mel and I’m really sorry about that. I wish we could stay longer but..”

I covered my eyes with my hands. “Why does this shit always happen to me.”

“I’m really sorr-“


“We’re gonna keep in touch though. We have to.”

I looked at him for a long time. “I can’t believe this is actually happening. You guys are gonna be famous. You’re going to California.”

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