Chapter 2

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Tris POV

"Tris!" I here someone call out as I walk towards my locker.

I turn around and see Four and Zeke walking towards me. I swear I know Zeke and Uriah from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on where.

"Hey guys what's up," I ask.

"The rest of the gang sent us to come get you for lunch," Four said.

"Oh ok just let me put something in my locker real quick."

"Aight, Four I'm going to head back to the table. I'll see you guys there" he smirked and left.

After I got what I needed from my locker, Four and I started walking to the cafeteria.

Once we sat down everyone at the table stared at me.


"Aren't you going to eat?" asked Marlene.

"Ummm no I'm not hungry, I had a big breakfast," I lied.

They all just nodded their heads but Zeke and Uriah looked at me like they could tell I was lying. Thankfully they change the subject though.

"So Four, did you find out who your new neighbors are?" Zeke asked Four.

"Nah, I didn't see anyone."

"Wait Tris did you just move here?" Four asks.

" Yeah."

"Where do you live?"

"6466 dauntless avenue."

"Hey we are neighbors!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah I guess we are." I really hope he didn't here me scream this morning or last night.

"Tris can I ask you something?" Four asked.


"Who was screaming in your house last night and this morning?"

Shit!!! "Ummm I have to go to the bathroom," I said and quickly left the cafeteria.

Zeke's POV

Once Tris left Uriah was the first one to speak.

"What do you think that was all about?" he asks.

"Yeah that was pretty strange. It seems like she is hiding something," Christina said. Everyone at the table all agreed.

"Ok I don't know , but Tris seems so familiar to me," Uriah speaks.

"Yeah bro same she kind of reminds me of Bea." I say frowning when I say that name.

"No, it can't be Bea she lives in Oregon." Uri says.

"Yeah I know I'm just saying she reminds me of her. Her blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, and she does that thing Bea did when she lied she bites the inside of her cheek when she lies. She was obviously lying when she said she had a "big breakfast" when we asked her why she wasn't eating."

"Wait who's Bea?" Will asks.

Before I can start explaining Tris comes back into the cafeteria.

"Hey Tris are you ok?" I ask.

She looks down and nods her head. "Sorry for walking out like that," she whispers.

"It's ok if you gotta go you gotta go," Christina said. I guess she decided not to question the real reason Tris walked out, but I guess since she came back she's ok.

"So, what did I miss?" Tris asks.

"Oh Zeke and Uriah were about to tell us about an old friend of theirs or something," Shauna says. Everyone stares at me and Uri waiting for one of us to start talking.

Before I can start telling them about Bea, Uri starts speaking.

"So you guys know that we used to live in Oregon. Well, we had a friend named Beatrice, but we called her Bea." I noticed that when Uri said her name was Beatrice and we called her Bea, Tris' eyes widened in shock, but she quickly masked it when she saw me looking at her. I turned back to Uri to listen to him tell them about our little Bumble Bea.

"We were all best friends and would hang out all the time when we were little. Towards the end of our eighth grade year Bea started getting bullied and we protected her, but then she started becoming closed off. One day in the summer her mom and older brother Caleb got into a car accident and they both died. After that day Bea became even more closed off than before. Then we moved here and Bea was just crushed that we were leaving. During sophomore year we were skyping her and in the middle of it her "boyfriend," who she never told us about, came storming into her room and he started beating her. We haven't talked to her since then. We try to call, text, and skype her, but she never answers."

Everyone is just staring at us wide eyed now, except for Tris. She has her head down and tears in her eyes.

"I just can't help but think that the guy, who I am hoping is now her ex-boyfriend, did something to her. Wait what was that bastards name again Zeke?" Uri asked.

"Ummmm it was uhhhh....." before I can finish my sentence the bell rings.

"It was Drew," Tris says before she leaves to go to her last classes.

When she leaves I look at Uriah in complete shock.

"Tris is Bea," we say in unison.

Hello lovelies, I hope you liked the new chapter. Please vote on the chapter, leave a comment, and follow me. Also please tell people about my book. I will update two chapters tomorrow. Bye!!!


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