Chapter Eight: Prince Zale at the Hot Spring

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The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage

Chapter Eight: Prince Zale at the Hot Spring

Mori stayed in the cave when Lila returned to Kakariko. It was a lot later than she expected, so she went straight to the hot spring. It wasn't hard to find; there were signs everywhere pointing in the right direction. She wondered if there would be a lot of people at the spring, but soon realized most people would be in bed. Then she wondered if Zale was still there. She hoped he was. Lord Ganondorf would like to know as much about the prince as possible. At least, that's what she told herself.

The climb to the hot spring took a lot of effort. If Lila hadn't been fighting monsters all day, it would have been easy. For her. With sweat gathered in uncomfortable places, a dip in a spring, hot or cold, was a welcoming thought. As she neared the summit, she heard voices.

"Prince Zale, I believe it is time for you to retire for the night."

"I'm not a prince out here," came the familiar voice of Zale. "How many times do I have to remind you?"

Lila moved closer but stayed out of sight. Zale sat at the edge of the pool with his toes skimming the water. He looked somewhat behind him to a man wearing too much clothing for such a warm place. The outfit seemed to be made of fine materials, and the man waved a matching fan in his face. Zale, on the other hand, wore dark shorts and a drying white tunic. The tunic stuck to his body in places and flowed freely in others.

"No one is around," the older man continued. "Surely your identity is safe."

"You never know who is in the shadows," Zale countered with a scowl. Funny, Lila was thinking the same thing.

The man sighed, realizing his defeat. "If you think so, Zale, but need I remind you to go to bed?"

"I'll be asleep in an hour. Now leave me alone." Zale waved a hand and turned his back on the man. With a harrumph, the man began walking away. Unfortunately, the only exit was past Lila. She scrambled to find a more secure place to hide, moving out of sight just in time. The man grumbled as he passed her, completely ignorant of her presence.

When she was sure he was gone, she revealed herself to Zale.

"You're up late," she greeted with a smile.

Zale looked up at her with alarm, which he quickly hid with a blank expression. "I could say the same for you. You... ah... didn't hear any of that, did you?"

Lila began to remove some of her armor, starting with her boots, as she mulled over what to tell him.

"Actually, I already knew who you were," she said without looking up.

"You did?" Zale asked. She could hear the worry in his voice.

She took off her robe and chainmail while thinking again. Her next response took a little more time to figure out. She heard water splash and looked up to see Zale standing, a new scowl on his face.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

Lila put down her sword and other weapons, rolling her eyes. "I don't want anything from you. I just... know. Okay?"

Zale crossed his arms. "No, that's not okay. What are you doing anyway?"

"I'm undressing so I can get in the water."

Zale stepped back. "You're what!"

It was Lila's turn to scowl. "Not all the way! Look, I'm done. Sheesh." She eased herself into the water, generating an involuntary sigh of comfort. The warm water soothed her aching joints and made the slimy feeling of sweat wash away. She tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and let her body sink. Zale was silent the whole time.

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