Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Trial of Light

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The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Trial of Light

Lila and Zale walked through the forest for several minutes before Lila said, "What exactly are we supposed to be doing?"

Zale answered, "I'm afraid I don't know. The only records we have are that the Trial of Light exists; we have no other details."

"Well, maybe we should stop walking, so we don't get lost," she suggested.

"Perhaps..." he said.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're talking weird."

He chuckled, "Of course I'm okay. Actually, I feel quite relaxed."

"I think that's the problem," she muttered.

"Let's continue. Maybe we'll come across the trial soon."

The two resumed walking. The forest was so dark, it seemed to be nighttime. The only light came from Zale. Lila wished he wasn't glowing; he might attract monsters. She kept her new sword ready.

As she predicted, monsters eventually found them. She heard them before she saw them. Three gray wolves burst from the trees around Lila and Zale.

"Stay behind me," Lila ordered, slashing at the attackers. She tried to maneuver to one side of the group, but the wolves jumped to either side, surrounding them again. She and the wolves observed each other carefully. Unfortunately, she couldn't find a safer place for Zale.

Lila dropped her guard for one second, and a wolf leaped at Zale. He held up one hand, palm flat, facing the wolf. The wolf stopped in its tracks and whimpered, but it didn't try to run or attack. Lila ignored her questions for the time being and focused on the other two.

The wolf on the right attacked first. Lila swung her sword down on it, but the second wolf landed on her back and crunched her shoulder. She screamed and switched her sword to her right hand so she could reach it. She clenched her jaw to fight the pain. Aiming where she thought the wolf's head was, she stabbed her sword behind her.

Her aim proved true. The wolf couldn't even whimper as it died. Lila glanced at Zale, saw that he was in the same position with the third wolf, and returned her attention to the first wolf. The wolf growled and barked at Lila, and she growled back.

She was clumsy with her right hand, but Lord Ganondorf had made sure she practiced in it a few times. She swiped her sword at the wolf, hitting its neck but without enough force to kill it. The wolf bit down on her right leg. With one more slash, she killed the beast.

That left the wolf with Zale. It seemed to be frozen as a gold light flowed to it from Zale's palm. Lila didn't take any chances and swung down on its neck. The sword cut clean through, and the wolf vanished in a cloud of sparkles.

Lila glanced around, looking for any more threats. When she deemed it safe, she collapsed next to Zale.

"You... okay?" she wheezed.

Zale's eyes were wide. "I'm fine, but... Lila! Let me help stitch you up. Do you have any medical supplies?" He pulled the collar of her shirt down to see chainmail, a little bit dented but intact. He sighed and pulled up her pant leg instead.

"I'll be okay," Lila said but pulled out a roll of bandage anyway. Zale cleaned and wrapped her leg while she chugged down some water.

"The teeth didn't penetrate very deep," Zale said, "but we'll have to clean and dress it properly when we get back. Come on, let's go to the camp."

"If you think I'm giving up, you're wrong."

"But you shouldn't walk on that leg, much less fight!"

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