Chapter Twenty-One: Child Isle

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The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage

Chapter Twenty-One: Child Isle

When Lila woke the next day, she was surprised Lord Ganondorf wasn't the one yelling her awake. Instead, it was unusually quiet. She hoped that wasn't a bad sign. She noticed something on her desk that wasn't there last night. As she sat up on her bed, she saw that it was a note.

Lord Ganondorf requests you journey to Mother and Child Isle next, she read. There you are to acquire the Cloak of Shadows. Lord Ganondorf expects you back in three days. Do not disappoint him again. -Nabooru

Three days? The trip to the coast took at least half a day by horse. Lila quickly readied herself for the task. She ate her brunch while Epona galloped under her.

The sun had set at least an hour before Lila reached shore. Epona was exhausted.

"Rest up, girl, but stay close by," Lila said to her beloved horse. "I should be back tomorrow night."

Lila tested the water. She had only been to the ocean a few times before for training. Now she was glad for it because she had to swim to Mother and Child Isle. Lord Ganondorf was not one to let her ride in the boat.

After surveying for the best part of the beach, Lila waded into the ocean.She aimed for the beach on "Child Isle." She didn't know why the Isle had two names. "Child Isle" was the lower part of the island and the only way to access it. "Mother Isle" was like a tower, with every side a steep cliff. Lila guessed the strip of land between the two used to be under water which would make them separate islands. However, that begged the question: Did the sea level fall or the island rise?

Not that it really mattered.

Upon reaching the beach of Child Isle, the strong wind produced by the shape of the island began teasing at Lila's clothes. She felt a chill from the air hitting her wet self. She donned her newly procured boots and pushed forward.

Because of the wind, Lila had never before been able to travel much farther than the rocky beach. Lord Ganondorf brought her here to train her leg strength a few times. Now with the Boots of Sturdiness, she was able to get inside the cave, leading to mystery. She took a breather at the mouth of the cave. The wind was minimal there, so she was able to take off the boots. She also lit her lantern because there was no other light. Her rattled breath echoed loudly on the rock walls.

"I wonder if this would be a safe place to sleep," she said aloud, wishing for the company of Mori. The weariness was starting to catch up with her, and she realized she missed the keese more than she thought possible.

"I'll just check out this cave a bit."

Lila walked deeper into the cave. She looked for torches along the wall but found none. It wasn't long before she came to a door. She wondered if she should open it or leave it alone.

"Maybe just a peek."

She pulled the door open and stood just short of entering. Inside was dark so she couldn't see much, but she could tell the dungeon went much deeper than sea level. She heard the roar of winds blowing in different directions but saw no evidence of a tornado. For that she was glad. Having satisfied her curiosity, Lila closed the door and returned to the mouth of the cave to sleep.

The sun woke her in the morning. It didn't reach directly in the cave since it was angled slightly to the south, but the light and warmth were enough to get her going. She ate a small breakfast of dried meat and then continued on her quest.

Lila was surprised to see the dungeon had lit up from the sun. She noticed several shafts of light around the room. It was so bright, the area glowed like a soft gold.

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