Daryl Dixon (sneak peek)

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Jordan's POV
During the day the governor gave a speech about some kind of event going on tonight. He mentioned some kind of entertainment. I wonder what his scheme is. Nothing good can come out of something evil. Caleb has been helping out by looking out for walkers and I've been helping  with the weapons. Basically all I've been doing is fixing guns and making helpful weapons out of metal and natural resources. The sun begins to set and I slow down with the weapons a bit. There's a few guns that don't really work or are missing a fragment but other than that they are protected pretty well. I've had my eye on a crossbow that has green arrows. The crossbow reminds me of the one my dad used to have when he went hunting. He was a lovely man but he and my mom got divorced. He taught me self defense and how to survive but most importantly never to surrender. I can almost hear him say "Never ever surrender to someone because that will be the one that surrenders to YOU my little girl. I love you so much."
"And I love you daddy."
Those were the best days ever. He moved to New York and I used to visit him. The last time I saw him was when I was 11 years old and he was getting a flu virus. Hopefully he's okay. I didn't notice I was reaching out for the crossbow until I felt the handle with my fingertips. It looks like my dad's but I've seen it somewhere else. But where...?
"Put that down. Now," I turn around and see the blonde woman.
(Andrea- italics, Jordan- Bold)
Oh sorry I didn't know it was yours. I'm really sorry.
Name's Andrea and don't worry about it's not mine. It's ... well lets just say it's a friend's.
Oh...umm my names Jordan. What does the Governor mean by "entertainment"?
Oh yeah I almost forgot why I came here. He wants to know if you and the other two are going.
I'll ask them.
There will be a mini concert,food, and a surprise.
What kind of surprise?
I don't know. I guess we'll have to find out by ourselves.
With that said, Andrea exits the room and I just stay silent. What are they planning? What is HE planning? Then Caleb enters the room.
(Caleb-bold, Jordan- italics)
What? What happened?
Oh nothing it's time to see what the excitement is all about.
Wait... you're going to see the entertainment?

Yeah I'm curious

Did you find Faith. We're leaving today.

Well that was short but aye it was a sneak peek. Plz help my story get out there. Umm I'll try to update more.
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