Amongst the Walkers

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"Yes sir the entertainment is on the way." I hear the man say through his phone.

So that's what they meant by entertainment. What do they want with Caleb? The man turns my way but I hide behind the wall I'm against. I hear his footsteps slowly coming my way. He walks until he's right next to me and then BAM! He falls to the ground with a bullet through his skull. I look down at my hands and see my gun in between them with my finger in the trigger. I'm in shock for a minute until I hear chains rattling. I snap out of it and come face to face with my brother. I engulf him in a hug and kiss is forehead.

"Don't ever scare me like that. Why are you here?" I say as I take the piece of cloth out of his mouth. Then I shoot at the chains linking his hands and feet together. I look at Daryl and do the same.

" don't really know. I remember going back to the dorm because I never found Faith and that's pretty much all. The rest is blurry. And here I am. You were right we need to leave." He grabs my hand and looks up at me. He's probably 2 inches shorter than me.

"Well no shit Sherlock. They sacrificed 6 of their people and turned them into walkers." said Daryl.

"Why would they do that?" I reply.

"That's their entertainment. They choose two people and they have to fight while surrounded my walkers. Each round the walkers get closer until only one of the two people survive.  Only one comes out alive amongst the walkers." Daryl explains.

"But I'm only  a kid." Caleb says.

"They don't want Caleb to fight but you. They know about you too Jordan. They'll turn him and you won't be able to save him." Daryl says.

"H....How do you know?" I asked.

"I saw them turn a little girl. Sh...She was bitten in the neck. Then a man and woman. The little girl said she wanted to go with her mother but those sick fucks they..." He looked down and up to meet my gaze, " We need to get out."

"Not without Faith. She's around 4 years old. Curly gold hair, greenish eyes with..." I was cut off by Daryl.

"With a..a red velvet dress and black school girl shoes? Did she have a scratch upon her shoulder?" he questioned.

"Y..Yes how, how do you know?" Caleb asked.

"She was next in line for the transformation before Caleb. She must still be alive. Come I'll take you." Daryl said while heading down the hall.

I hesitated for a minute but decided to follow him. As we went down the hallway I saw a very dim light at the end of it. As we got closer I heard a crowd screaming and chanting. We reached the end and looked to the left to find another hallway. There were grunts and sobs coming from that way. Our only options were stepping out forward into the crowd or going left.

"Let's go left. Those noises sound like trouble," I say.

"Let's go we have no time to waste,"Caleb replies.

I look in Daryl's direction and he nods. We turn to the left and walk down the hallway. We're in front of a chamber or dungeon like cell. It's really dark so I take my flashlight out of my back pocket and shine it inside the cell. I immediately regret it. The cell is full of walkers. Amongst the walkers is my one and only Faith. She eyes no longer green but a lifeless pale yellow. Her hand extends through the cell bars and she hisses. I drop my flashlight and drop to my knees. Tears brimming on the edges of my eyes.

"Faith..." It's almost a whisper when I say her name. It seems like I have no more air my lungs and I fall on my side. Caleb and Daryl rush to my side and try to pick me up. There are so many questions running threw my mind. Why? Why her? How could they do this to her? There's a faint buzzing in my ears and it seems as if the world stopped. I can't hear a thing. I see Daryl and Caleb's mouth moving as if they're yelling and I snap out of it. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in and try my best to stand up without shaking. When I do manage to finally stand up my hands are shaking and I almost fall again but Caleb helps me stay up.

"We have to go J," Caleb whispers hoarsely into my ear. I nod and we make our way past the other cells. at the end of the hall there's a door. We hurried towards the door when we hear voices yelling behind us. Then there were footsteps running behind us. Daryl, Caleb, and I sprinted to the door and opened it, rushing out into what seemed like the back side of Woodbury. I looked behind to look for Daryl but he wasn't there anymore.

"Come on let's go," Caleb said. He grabbed my hand and we headed towards the forest. Caleb was in front of me when he fell to the ground with an 'oof'. I rushed to him when someone hit me. The was a growing pain on my forehead. There were black spots appearing on my vision.

"Carl what did you do?!!" Then the lights went out.

Carl's POV

"Carl what did you do?!!" My dad yelled at me and then the person passed out. They were probably from Woodbury.

"They might be looking for us. We have to keep moving to find Daryl and the others," I said while I stepped over the bodies.

"Carl wait up," my dad said, "We'll drag them somewhere safe. We don't know if they're with the Governor."

"Fine but we have to hurry."

Third person POV

From one moment to the other Woodbury turned into chaos. Daryl and the others made it out of Woodbury and Caleb woke up to the screams of a girl. He fumbled to his feet and looked down to see his sister laying on the ground. He went on his knees and shook her, but she didn't wake up. He checked her pulse. It was barely a pulse. Caleb's eyes began to water. He couldn't loose her also. He picked her up considering she was skinny and weighed less than a feather. Carl returned to where he had left the boy and the girl. They were gone nowhere to be found. "Fuck," he whispered. "Carl" he heard from a distance. His father was calling his name. He left running knowing they had to escape as fast as possible for the governor and his men would come and assassinate them. He could barely catch his breathe when a hand grabbed him by the collar and shoved him to the ground hard. Knocking the little amount of air in his lungs. His ears buzzed and he looked up to see a figure in black before everything around him switched off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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