Chapter 12: the apology and the ending

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"I forgive you, all of you" gumball said as he cried into his mom's chest. The whole family began to cry tears of joy over what they heard.

While this was happening to gumball, something was happening to Jamie.

"Jamie, I'm so sorry for everything I did to you" Denise said hugging Jamie tighter while crying.

"I know I shouldn't have ever hit you, but I still did, and I'm so sorry. Please forgive me and come home" Denise crying even more. Just then, a chill went up Jamie's spine.

Jamie felt all the memories of her mom hurting her and the feelings of regret that went with those memories.

"Mom, she truly is sorry for what she did" Jamie thought her herself and felt her siblings hug her.

"Please come back Jamie, I miss you" kira cried.

"I miss my big sister" princess cried.

Jamie felt guilty for leaving them behind. She now knew what she had to do.

"Okay, I'll come back" Jamie said.

"Does that mean?" Denise asked.

"Yes, I forgive you" Jamie said as she cried into her mom's chest.

L and Tyler look on happy at what they accomplished.

Nicole picked gumball up and carried him to the car. She sat in the passenger seat while gumball still clung to her. Richard put Darwin and anais in the back and sat in the driver seat and drove home.

Denise carried Jamie to the car and sat in the driver seat with Jamie still clinging to her. Kira got in the passenger seat with princess on her lap. Denise started up the car and drove home.

L and Tyler got into their care and headed home as well.

(At the Watterson's)

Once the Watterson's arrived home, Nicole carried a sleeping gumball in her arms, while Richard carried Darwin and anais asleep in his arms. The family then entered the house and locked the front door.

Richard pulled the legs of the couch up so the whole family could sleep on the couch, while Nicole got a blanket. Richard then lied down with Darwin and anais while still holding them in his arms. Nicole then lied down with gumball while still holding him and pulled the blanket over the family.

The Watterson's slept peacefully, knowing everything from this point on will be alright.

(At the Elist's)

Denise had set up the couch so the whole family could sleep on it. Kira was hugging her mom by one side and princess was hugging her mom from the other. Jamie was on top of her mom while hugging her. Denise had her arms wrapped around her 3 kids. They were all cover by a huge blanket.

The Elist's slept peacefully, knowing everything from this point on will be alright.

-The next morning- (at the Watterson's)

When gumball woke up the next morning, he saw he was still holding on to his mom. He saw that his whole family was snuggled together with a big blanket covering them. Gumball got up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"So you're awake" a voice said. Gumball turned around and saw it was his mom.

"Hey mom, how are y-" gumball started but was cut off by his mom kneeling down to hug him.

"Gumball, I'm sorry for everything I ever did wrong to you. I just always got so angry, and that made me give you unfair and unreasonably hard punishments, when all you ever needed was just some parenting. I'm so sorry" Nicole apologized then kissed gumball on his cheek again and started to cry.

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