Chapter 16

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The next day Mustafa visited German.

He just couldn't have a relaxing, calm day, could he?

- I just remember something - said the sehzade.

- And what is it? - German asked back.

- That you didn't finish what you were about to say before the pirate incident.

"Oh dear lord..."

- So?

- I forgot... What were we talking about?

He tried to play dumb, but he couldn't as he just couldn't stand Mustafa's cold look.

- Okay, okay - he sighed - But all I was about to say is that... I have doubts... In my own relationship...

- Doubts, huh? But why? Do you even have any reason to doubt your girlfriend?

- Honestly? I don't know.

Mustafa was now confused so German continued explaining the things with Angie and Alex and everything else that was bothering him about these two.

- My god...

- Yes. Now you can understand why am I like this - German sighed deeply.

- I do... I'm sorry though...

- It's fine. You didn't know about this after all. But I can't do anything against this...

He couldn't do anything, but he sent a spy after them to keep an eye on them.

He wanted to know if he's suspicious for a reason, or not...

But soon it came out that his suspiciouns were real...

----- TIME SKIP -----

German was working as usual and again with Selvaggia beside him when his spy, Ali came into the room and bowed.

- Can we talk? - he asked in Arabic so Selvaggia can't understand.

- What is it? - German asked back, also in Arabic.

- It's about them.

This time German stood up from his desk and went outside with also so he can tell him what did he find.

- Come on! Speak! - he demanded.

Even for Ali it was hard to say this.

But he did...

- I saw them together - he said.

- They are having an affair, aren't they? - German asked, by now pretty sure about that just by looking at Ali's face.

- Yes - he nodded - I'm really sorry...

- It's not your fault. I'm just glad you could confirm this - German groaned - Fucking hell...

- German...

Selvaggia's sudden voice made both men jump.

- Ah... Uh... Selvaggia - he muttered awkwardly while Ali just bowed his head down.

- What happened? I could clearly see and hear that you're being annoyed by something...

- Uhh...

German was now stuck with what to do.

He kinda wanted to tell her the truth, but he didn't want to make her sad.

But then again... She was his best friend.

He just had to tell her.

- Selvaggia, listen... - he started - Don't get too angry, but... I've sent a spy after the group that went to Germany...

- Hm? And why would I be mad?

- I actually sent him after Angie and Alex.

- Alex too? Why?

German took a deep breath.

- German! Do you know anything that I should know too? Because if yes you have to tell me!

At this point he began to realize his friend was also feeling the same way he did.

So he did it...

- Those two are having an affair behind our back...

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