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A/N: all Pokémon are seen as humans, though all trainers in the story see them as regular Pokémon.

"Ken! Bank left!"
I was nearly deafened by the sound of the jet engine roar of the flamethrower attack screaming to my right as I dodged. "Ken! Use steamroller!"

Hold on, I'm sorry that I'm... Y'know, throwing you into the chaos and madness of my regular Thursday evening without any background but to tell the truth, there isn't much time to flashback when your being attacked by a giant dragon man with a flamethrower. My name is Ken, I am a Scolipede and member of Team Optic, a gang of Pokémon and our trainer Emily on a journey through rigorous training to become the best, blah blah blah... I'm sure your just dying to get back to me trying to tap dance around getting roasted but I'll let you know, if you choose to stick with us, you'll get to know a couple of the best Pokémon I know. And that's the truth.
Now back to dodging.

Acknowledging Emily's command I started into a run, removing my poison tipped daggers from their scabbards at my pockets. With a cry I leapt onto the orange haired man, knocking the flamethrower out of his arms as he fell to the ground. I moved, straddling him, his orange eyes stared into mine with hatred and without hesitation I stabbed the weapons into the shoulders of the man. He screamed in agony, his large orange wings flapping uselessly against the ground through the flaps on his muscle shirt. He kicked his legs, drumming the heels on the ground. I removed the weapons with a 'shick' and he began to cuss me out in so many ways I lost track, his orange hair sticking to his sweat beaded forehead. He snapped his fangs at me and I dug my knees into his arms which lay pinned at his sides.
His trainer kept screaming at him, yelling things like "Get up Char!", and "You can do it!"

"Finish him, Ken!" Emily yelled, skipping around. I gritted my teeth and plunged one of the toxic blades into his chest. He roared in anguish and began to buck and thrash in desperation. His arms began to slip free and before i lost the chance I twisted the dagger in a hard circle. Charizard cried out and swore like a sailor, his arms finally slipping free. He clawed at my face once before letting his nails slip down my bare shoulders as they slipped They started tearing at the sleeves on my lower arms. His fingers rested on the dagger and he gave one weak attempt to pull. With a guttural growl his eyes dimmed and he fell into what Pokémon Trainers call a "faint".

When Pokémon "faint", trainers can just take us to the Pokémon center, but to wild Pokémon, it's death itself. No Pokémon can just heal. Fainting is death itself and no Pokémon wants to die, revival or not.

I stepped off of the man below me, eyes glaring up, jaw slack, hands still gripped lightly on my dagger, the trainer rushed toward his Pokémon and I reached down to take my dagger, removing it and shaking the blood from the metal, wiping the rest of the filmy red onto my black shirt. Straightening my red collar and adjusting my coat that resembled the patterns of my animalistic form. I walked to stand by my trainer. Flicking my yellow eye not covered by the half mask- also resembling my animalistic forms patterns- to look back at the trainer clicking the button on the ball which contains us to return him into his dwelling. The trainer glared at us and threw a was of cash our way, running off to the nearest center.

As I watched the guy run through the trees I felt a hand slam into the small of my back.
"Great job, Ken!" My trainer exclaimed, a bright grin on her face. "Do you feel any stronger?"
I knew she wouldn't understand me when I spoke, so with a brief nod she beamed back at me. " excellent," she smiled. "That just means an extra reward."

At the thought of the baked goods that came with rewards, a grin crossed my face. Being on a team was the best thing ever.

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