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A/N: All Pokémon are seen as humans by each other but are seen as normal Pokémon by humans.

"I don't ever want to be in love." I muttered to Ken who was silently partaking in his reward from a battle well done. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes," he replied. "You said you never wanted to be in love."

"It just seems so...vexing" I said, trying to impress Ken with my awesome speech skills.

"Vexing?" He asked "Do you even know what that means Nagachi?"
My name is Nagachi. I am a Jolteon and part of team Optic. As you've probably already read, I'm spending the day with my friend Ken. Today, we are watching our teammate Howl, the love-struck Absol as he sat on a rock a few yards away, no doubt contemplating how to tell Rewind the frustratingly obvious fact that he was hopelessly in love with her. I hope I never have to be that way.

I puffed out my lip. "Of course! I heard you use the word!" I knew I looked like a pouting kid but it always seemed to keep Ken talking. Ken was always so quiet and reserved, I loved hearing him talk.

"Well, in case you haven't been made aware, I don't know everything. And even if you did use it right in a sentence, how do you know I wasn't tricking you into saying a naughty word?"

"You wouldn't!" I gasped, faking horror.

"Wouldn't I?" He grinned back and starting laughing and poking me, saying "Nagachi said a naughty word! Nagachi said a naughty word!"

I played along, knowing full well that vexing was a synonym for frustrating, but seeing him happy made me happy.

(Also if he was in a good mood if get some more food... What? It's not like I'm taking him for granted or anything.)

I settled down and moved so I could lay across his lap. Staring up at the treat he held in his hand. It was a mint puff.

Puffs or Poké-puffs are what our trainer gives us as rewards. They are like little mini cupcakes. There are a ton of puff flavors but my favorite is mint. Ken's is chocolate and we often argue but I know I'm right. Mint has just the right amount of freshness and sweetness that it all just comes together. Sort of like a well coordinated battle, or a really good dream.

I opened my purple eyes wide and scrunched my blonde eyebrows together, innocently looking up at his exposed yellow eye. I smiled gently and he caved, opening my mouth I inhaled the remaining half of the mint puff he pressed to my lips.

"I don't like mint anyway." He stated, moving his leg so I fell out of his lap and onto the ground.

"Hey!" I shouted, straightening my yellow hoodie and smoothing down the ruffled white furry part of the hood. My ears, that resembled my animalistic Jolteon form twitched angrily. "Don't hate on mint! It's the best and-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when a large droplet of clear and pure rain dropped not-so-gracefully onto my nose. I looked up and was greeted with another pearl of H2O right in between my eyes.
Ken looked up and smiled at the oncoming shower and brushed his garnet hair from his face. I turned from him just in time to see Howl scurrying from the rock he was perched on and under the trees on either side of the field where Rewind and Emily where.

Standing from the ground I pulled Ken to his feet and we raced each other to the trees where our friends where, the taste of my favorite puff still on my tongue.

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