Chapter 1

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Pebblescar stared at his paws. His claws were outstretched, stained with blood and fur like he had remembered it. That moment where he felt an extreme emotion to an extent where he had to act, where he had turned against a Clanmate. These were the claws that had killed Cinderclaw, and yet . . .

"What's wrong with you, Pebblescar?" snapped Cinderclaw with frustration. The tom's ears were outlined by the rising red sun, casting a dim yet disturbing light into his eyes. "It's almost past dawn, and we're on the patrol! Come on, we are about to leave," he urged.

Pebblescar couldn't find his words. He searched Cinderclaw's neck where his claws were supposed to have ripped through, but there was not even a trace of a scratch or even a scent of blood to indicate that it had actually happened. Perhaps it had all just been a dream?

"Pebblescar, you listening?" Cinderclaw looked over his shoulder to where the camp entrance was. "Oh, look! Shallowtail is already leaving. Come on or he'll leave without us."

Finally, Pebblescar brought himself to speak. "A-alright."

Cinderclaw tilted his head. "Are you okay? You're normally so . . . energetic, Pebblescar, so it's unlike you to be so quiet."

"It is?" He didn't remember this.

Cinderclaw gave his paw a quick lick and drew it over his ear before he spoke again. "Did you have a bad dream or something? It happens to me sometimes when I don't have enough sleep. Perhaps you should stay in camp if you feel overworked."

"No, I'm fine, really!" Pebblescar insisted. "Sleep was fine, I was just trying to think. I-it doesn't matter, let's catch up to Shallowtail." He raced from his spot before Cinderclaw could question him any more. I shouldn't worry about it, thought Pebblescar, it was a dream!

He continued to follow Cinderclaw, observing the camp around him. Everything was the same, but yet . . . brighter. His nest was in the same place as it had always been, in the center of the warrior's den. Everyone else was the same too, appearance-wise. In his dream, almost nobody interacted with each other as friendly as now.

Pebblescar looked out silently, gazing at the outstretched moorland ahead of him. The forest was just behind him. A quiet breeze drifted towards him, ruffling his misty grey fur. Birds broke the silent and started singing their songs.

The tom sighed and looked at his paws, pondering. Which is the real world? Why . . . why did I kill him? I'm supposed to be a warrior, going along with the warrior code, but I broke it . . . He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, Pebblescar realized that there was a quiet crunching of paw steps behind him, stepping quietly over the dried grass. Springing to his paws, hackled raised, he spun around to face the cat who approached him. It was only Cinderclaw.

Cinderclaw blinked and tilted his head. "Great StarClan, I would've thought a horde of badgers were attacking from your reaction." He crept up to Pebblescar with dainty steps. "Can I sit by you?"

Pebblescar muttered something inaudible but nodded reluctantly. "What do you want, Cinderclaw?" he asked warily.

Cinderclaw still had his head tilted, he turned his heads toward Pebblescar and met his eyes.
"To talk to you, Pebblescar, I've noticed that lately you've seemed so . . . distant." He turned away once again and looked at the moorland ahead.

Pebblescar shook his head. "It's nothing really. I just need some time alone." And with that, he padded away from the clearing.

As Pebblescar arrived in camp he looked at each of his clanmates and cringed at the sight. He ran to the warriors' den and padded over to his nest. Curling up in it, he closed his eyes and found himself to be in the the center of camp.
Pebblescar shook his head.
"No, not again," he whispered.

Pebblescar let out a low growl and looked around wearily as if any cat at any moment would leap at him and shred his pelt in vengeance for killing Cinderclaw. As he watched as his clan mates worked, Pebblescar glanced down at his paws, crusted blood rounded the beginning of his claws, he cringed, remembering the dreadful moment as he sank his claws into Cinderclaw's soft pelt. It was like a thorn scratching the soil of the earth, so delicate.

Pebblescar shook his head, clearing the vivid memory of his thoughts, letting out a deep sigh, he unsheathed his claws to sink in the Earth's surface to hide the blood.

As Pebblescar padded up to a group of his clan mates to separate them and get them in their place to do the patrols he felt a sudden wave of pain as something strong and hardy rammed in to his side. He rolled across the dusty ground and tried getting to his paws while still sliding, making him fall once again. Once Pebblescar caught his breath he quickly got to his paws and glared fiercely at his attacker. It was Glimmerstream, a cat that had liked Cinderclaw.

She snarled at Pebblescar with such force that it made him cringe, although he managed not to flatten his ears in fear.

"What was that for?" Pebblescar spat in rage, "I'm your Deputy!"

Glimmerstream glared at Pebblescar, meeting his eyes, "You killed him.. You killed him!" She hissed through gritted teeth, to where only Pebblescar could hear, thank StarClan.
The group of cats that Pebblescar was approaching had sprang to their paws and let out caterwauls of shock, "He's our Deputy," "How dare you, Glimmerstream?" "What's the matter?" The cats all chorused.

Glimmerstream simply just kept looking at Pebblescar, "To repay the favor, I'll kill you." Loud enough this time for the entire Clan to hear who were still in the Camp. With those single words, she leapt forward and bowled him over with such force.

Sorry this chapter took so long to get out, but with school starting Aqua and Lightning weren't able to get this chapter out quickly. Sorry!! Please don't throw tomatoes!

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