Chapter 20

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Pebblescar opened his eyes and blinked at the ceiling of the den. He was inside again, resting in a comfortable, moss-lined den under a protective shelter of reeds and bracken.

The kits were born yesterday. Were they born here, too? What are their names? He wondered to himself as he struggled to his paws. His cuts still burned as if they hadn't been properly treated, yet there were herbs clinging to his pelt and freshly placed cobweb on his injuries. He limped out of the den, peering at the joyful cats in the clearing.

"What's going on?" he questioned cluelessly. Bumblebuzz stuck her head out of the nursery, blue eyes shining with joy.

"Minnowfrost just kitted!" Bumblebuzz explained,  "I'm surprised you slept through it, to be honest. She was yowling loud enough for StarClan to hear!"

The large gray tom took a pawstep forward as joy filled his being. They were his kits here, not any other tom's. He actually had kits! Now he just had to see them and claim them and Minnowfrost as his.

He pushed his way through the reeds into the nursery. Previously he had observed the kitting from the dense patch of reeds in the corner, and he hadn't been able to clearly make out everything that he wanted to see. But right now he felt as though every dream of his had been answered, with Minnowfrost splayed out before him, her pale gray body curled around three little kits. His perfect mate with their perfect kits.

Pebblescar drank in the sight of them, well aware that simply falling asleep would alienate his family from him. But even though he knew they would hate him every time he saw them, he still couldn't help but watch the rise and fall of the dark brown tom's pelt, the way the she-cat scrunched up her nose in her sleep, how the little gray tom's ears twitched every time Pebblescar looked at him. They were adorable in the best way.

The gray tom watched with confusion as Hailtail crouched near Minnowfrost's head.

"Well, she's so exhausted that she passed out. Pebblescar, would you like to name the kits instead?" the medicine cat asked. Minnowfrost was stirring, but her eyes were heavy and her breaths long. She wouldn't be awake for long.

"Sure! Uh, they, uh..." Pebblescar was stumped. The only names flashing through his mind were... "Pebblekit, Rainkit, and Reedkit!" he blurted out.

Every cat in the den froze and looked curiously at him.

"Did you just name a kit after yourself?" Bumblebuzz questioned.

"Pebblescar, can you do anything right?" Minnowfrost weakly chuckled. "I like Rainkit, for the she-cat, I assume? I think the little tom can be Grasskit for his beautiful green eyes, and the dark brown tom can be Mudkit for his pelt."

Pebblescar nodded, his body feeling heavy again. He moved forward and nuzzled her, giving each of their beautiful kits a lick on the forehead.

"I love them. I love you so much," Pebblescar told her. She looked lovingly at him, eyes drooping once more.

"Alright! You both need rest. Pebblescar, go back to your den to sleep. Your kits will be here tomorrow for you," Hailtail ordered. Bumblebuzz led Pebblescar into his den where he fell into a deep sleep.


"Have you had food at all? Anything? Your milk is flowing well, right?" Bumblebuzz questioned Minnowfrost. Pebblescar let out a small groan as a reed poked him in the back. He watched the medicine cat push some borage leaves to Minnowfrost.

"I'm alright, Bumblebuzz. You don't have to worry," Minnowfrost reassured. The gray medicine cat sighed and sat down in front of her.

"We all worry, Minnowfrost. Pebblescar is still on the loose, and your mate is dead. There are so many cats here who want to help you, and we just want you to know that you aren't alone in this. Your beautiful kits will be raised right, no matter what damage Pebblescar might have already caused."

Pebblescar felt a familiar fire shoot through his body. Damage? The only thing he had done was rid the Clans of some dangerous cats! How was that damage? They should be thanking him for all that he had done!

The dark gray tom watched as Minnowfrost shook, nuzzling her kits with an unsettling fervor. He should be with those kits! He was the only person who could protect them, keep them safe from cats like Reedstorm and Cinderclaw.

Those kits were his. And he knew exactly how to keep it that way.

~This chapter was written by Blaze.

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