Chapter 2

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Pebblescar let Glimmerstream batter his body, her razor sharp claws leaving long scratches up and down his flanks. He just laid their under her light body, an object under her power and will. Why, he asked himself. Why let myself be beaten? But Pebblescar already knew the answer: he couldn't be found guilty so soon. Eventually some cat dragged them apart and he was taken into the medicine den, hardly conscious. The hazy scent of herbs was the last thing he remembered as he drifted off to sleep.

"Pebblescar," a voice whispered. "Pebblescar!"

His head shot up. It was Glimmerstream, her hazel-grey eyes wide and anxious. He was back in the warrior's den, curled in a tight ball with the familiar pains aching his sides.

"Are you alright?" asked the same she-cat who had left him with these scratches.

Pebblescar nodded, holding his breath for a moment before getting up. Hailtail, the medicine cat, must have put some herbs on his wounds, because they only stung a little as he stood. "Just a little sore. I think there was some thorns in my nest." He craned his neck around to peek at his flank; the dark grey fur was matted with blood and a tangy herb concoction. Pebblescar just hoped that the dark concealed it.

Glimmerstream started padding out of the den, her long legs that had just been pinning Pebblescar down swaying gently with each step. "Since you were asleep, I was in charge of assigning patrols. I wanted you on midnight patrol with me and Minnowfrost, plus her apprentice," she explained as the dark grey tom scampered to catch up.

Minnowfrost and Salmonpaw were waiting outside for them. "Okay, thanks Glimmerstream," he meowed back, waving his tail at the other cats. Minnowfrost's eyes flashed with a smile, and Salmonpaw looked anxious, his dark blue eyes scanning the edge of the camp for intruders.

As a friendly conversation started up and the group of RiverClan cats padded out of camp, Pebblescar's mind was whirring. He had wanted to slit his claws against Glimmerstream's soft belly as she scarred his flanks, but he didn't. He had wanted to pressed his fangs against her exposed throat and watch her blood stain his pelt, but he didn't. And now he was following her numbly, on a moonhigh patrol into the territory of the same Clan where he wanted to kill people.

Nevertheless, Pebblescar was feeling a bit conflicted as Minnowfrost nudged him gently.

"Hello? Earth to Pebblescar," she teased gently, her frosty eyes sparkling with mischief. Salmonpaw made a face, his pinkish ginger fur shifting with shadows.

"Hmm, what?" he meowed a bit absently.

Minnowfrost gestured ahead of them. "Go ahead. Mark the border. That's what we're here for, right Mr. Deputy?" And then she let out a little laugh that made his heart twist a little bit. At least somewhere Cinderclaw couldn't have her.

After a while of patrolling the WindClan border, Pebblescar was found out.

"Hey, are those scratches on your pelt?" asked Salmonpaw as they trudged through a marshy section of RiverClan territory.

Pebblescar glanced up. "Hmm, what?" He suddenly felt Glimmerstream and Minnowfrost's eyes burning into him. "Oh yeah. There was some thorns in my nest."

"Did Hailtail treat you?" observed Minnowfrost as she bent close, sniffing his pelt. His fur was on end down his spine, and Pebblescar knew that Glimmerstream was looking suspiciously at him. "Because there is some herbs on your flanks."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "So what if Hailtail treated me? Its no big deal..."

Salmonpaw piped up, "But I was in the medicine den getting some feverfew 'cause my head hurt and you weren't there."

That comment alone was making Pebblescar's head hurt. He sighed. "Can we just drop it? We're getting close to camp anyways."

Glimmerstream nodded, quick to agree to the topic change. "Yep!" she mewed, over-cheerfully. "Let's go." The patrol sped up and in no time, Pebblescar was back in his nest in the center of the den.

The second his eyes closed, Pebblescar opened them in the RiverClan medicine den. His flanks ached just like before, and Hailtail stood off the side, muttering to herself as she stared into the distance. He moved his tail a bit, trying to get in a comfortable position as he assessed the situation, and the medicine cat leaped up.

"Oh, Pebblescar, you're-you're awake! I'm not quite sure what happened, but Glimmerstream is resting in her nest. I gave her a poppy seed to calm her down, and-and a bit of thyme." Hailtail paused her rambling. "Oh, sorry! I'm used to Bumble-Bumblepaw knowing all the herbs. Poppy seeds put cats to sleep and thyme helps with shock," she explained swiftly.

He blinked, staring at her with wide eyes.

"My rambling probably isn't helping! Here, can you get up?" Hailtail asked, light gray pelt shimmering in the few rays of sunlight that drifted into the den as she stepped forward.

Pebblescar stood, giving a few experimental mini steps before nodding silently.

"Let's go see what your leader has to say! I'm sure there lots of explaining to do. I'll go get Glimmerstream. Hold on!" And in a flash, Hailtail was gone.

This chapter was written by Rio :) Sorry le admins took so long to update.

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