Chapter 10

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The lithe gray she-cat pushed aside the ferns and came to rest inside her den. No cat had followed her in, and for the moment she was free to hide with her own grief.

"Why would they do something like that?" She whispered to herself, head bowed and eyes closed from sorrow. "I thought..."

Before she could finish her thought a few pawsteps scuffled the sand outside her den. She turned, posture straightened, and her eyes immediately hardened to see a few members of her group politely push their way through the vines.

"Scar," One immediately sank into a bow before straightening. "Please, can you verify what happened just now? Many of the witnesses are in shock, and none of their stories seem to be collaborating."

She flicked her tail as an invitation for them to enter the den. They settled a foot away from her, bodies ramrod straight and eyes glistening with mostly hidden emotion.

"We were doing a check-up of that side of the city, you know, the area that borders the forest. While we were patrolling, Samuel told me that he smelled something weird, a foreign scent right on the outskirts of the city." Scar took a moment to gather her thoughts, trapping a sob in her throat. 

"He went to see what it was, and he saw a crazed dark gray tom just standing around, talking to himself. Samuel being who he is, immediately jumped up to pin the tom, and they got into a scuffle and the tom killed him! Just like that!"

Scar's packmates let out soft growls of horror. But Scar wasn't finished.

"After he left I took his scent. I think he is one of those Clan cats, you know, the self righteous ones that live in the forest. They believe that they are better then those not in their Clan. Hhmph."

One of the cats in front of her tilted her head in confusion. "I thought we didn't interact with the Clans." She mused. Scar let out a hollow laugh.

"Well they have always pushed the boundaries a little bit, specifically for the catmint in some Twoleg gardens. I've had some cats picking fights with unruly kittypets, but we excuse that as well because those kittypets were problems that needed to be dealt with anyway."

The first tom that spoke nodded in understanding. "But they aren't supposed to come and attack, right? We had that truce from years and years ago."

Scar flicked her ears in acquiescence. "Yes, we had a deal to avoid each other. It seems that those Clan cats have forgotten their place."

The three cats sat in contemplative silence for a few moments. Scar considered the two of them, a fire burning in her eyes.

"Cotton, Slash." They lifted their heads. Scar turned to the white and pale gray she-cat first. "Cotton, dear, you are young yet. Your father's death was a tragedy that I hope we can avenge. I... I'm sorry for not bringing it up earlier, but I am sorry, very very sorry for your loss. If you want, there is ample time to grieve."

Cotton shook her head, ears flattened stubbornly. "There is time enough to grieve later when these Clans have been put in their place."

Scar wrapped her tail around her paws, eyes turning instead to Slash.

"It seems I am in need of a second-in-command. Slash, you are a strong, loyal member of our pack. Will you be my Second?"

He inhaled sharply in surprise. "Yes, of course," he responded. "It would be an honor."

Scar reached forward and gave his shoulder a gentle lick. As she sat down again, a cat rudely pushed their way into the den.

"I'm sorry, Scar, but the cats are getting restless and we need to tell them something to keep them under control." The tabby tom nervously ducked his head in deference but still insistently stood inside the den. 

Scar stood. "I'll go talk to them right now." She ushered all the cats out of her den, following them right out. The rest of the cats were gathered on the sandy outskirts of the park, just out of sight of the twoleg playthings that littered the area. She didn't even need to call them into a group, they were already waiting with bated breath. She hopped onto a nearby rock that allowed her to be seen by every cat present.

"Pack! Samuel's death was a horrible tragedy that I know we all mourn. I have decided that Slash is to be my Second in Command." She paused to let the pack grieve and cheer at their discretion.

"Needless to say, the cat who killed Samuel will not get away with this. I have determined that he is a cat of the Clans. Now, we have had a truce with them for a long time. But our numbers have grown bigger and we need more prey. Their territory is ideal."

"Are we going to drive them out?" One of the cats sitting close to her asked.

"Maybe we should just kill their leaders unprovoked, how would they like that?" Another suggested.

"I'd like some fat forest mice to fill my belly," Another commented.

"I have decided," Scar interrupted, "To ask the other pack and see what they say. The Clans are big and fat on forest prey, so we need every available cat. Until then, we will lie in wait and keep a close eye on them. I would rather no more blood be shed."

Scar jumped down from the rock without another word, ignoring the chaos that erupted behind her. She flicked her tail for Slash to follow her back into her den.

"Are you sure about this?" Was the first thing Slash got out.

"I think that some cats need to realize that everything is not just about them. That crazy tom is going to learn soon enough why death is a horrible thing," Scar responded, claws digging into the sand beneath her.

Well this happened. Pebblescar is in some deep trouble! I hope things get a bit clearer in chapters to come. I've noticed some readers are very confused about whats happening. Just remember that Pebblescar is a little... crazy.

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