No Where to Run

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~Emily's POV~

It was a little over an hour before Vincent was pulling his car into the dirt driveway of "our new home"; a small white cottage secluded from the town that was about five miles back. "This is the house I was raised in." Vincent said, staring ahead with a vacant expression on his face. "God, the memories..."

He was silent for a few seconds before turning to me and smiling. "And now we get to make our own memories."

I gulped nervously at the thought. What kind of memories does he plan on making?

The familiar feelings of dread swiftly returned and I bit my lip to keep from crying. There was no one around for miles, no one to hear my cries for help. Vincent knew exactly what he was doing when he brought me here. Hell, who would think to look for us all the way out here?

Vincent smiled at me again before climbing out of the car. I held my breath as he started walking around to my side. There was no way I could live with him for another minute! I had to do something! He opened my door and bent down to untie my wrists. "You're going to love it here, Em-"

As soon as my hands were untied, I punched him in the stomach. He wailed in pain and fell to the ground, giving me a chance to slip past him. I started running as fast as I could. I had no idea where I was going, there was nothing but trees for miles around. But I still had to try!

"Emily, stop!" Vincent shouted. I turned around and shrieked when I saw him running after me, clutching tightly onto his stomach. "There's no where to run! Get back here!"

My feet quickened as he continued shouting at me. He was right, there was no where to run!

A stabbing sensation gripped my side and I was sucking wind. I looked back again. Vincent was running towards the car. 'Oh God, I am so dead!' My mind screamed as I returned my attention to the path in front of me.

"Get back here!" Vincent cried again, quickly gaining on me.

I tried to speed my legs up again and that's when I felt something hard on my foot.

A rock.

Pain shot through my ankle like a bullet and I fell to the ground.


~Vincent's POV~

My heart nearly stopped when I saw Emily tumble to the ground. She grabbed her ankle and released a loud cry. I put the car into park and ran over to her as quickly as I could. "What happened?" I asked, examining her ankle. It was swollen and twisted in a way that made my stomach churn in regret and disgust.

She'd dislocated it.

"I need to go to a hospital!" Emily screamed. Her eyes were red and tears were pouring down her cheeks. I hated to see her in so much pain! God, why did she have to run!?

"No....there has to be some other way." I said. 'But what!? I can't just let her suffer!'

This wasn't how our first day home was supposed to be! The scenario had played in my head over and over again. I was going to give her a quick tour of the house before preparing her a surprise lunch; ceasar salad, chicken tetrazini, and a homemade cherry cheesecake for dessert.

She would have been so overwhelmed with joy!

But instead, she's in miserable pain because she couldn't just cooperate with me. Part of me thought she sort of deserved it for trying to flee again, but the more dominate part of me was in total anguish.

"Please Vincent! It hurts so bad!"

I reached my hand out to feel her ankle and she screamed again. "I'm sorry!" I cried, jerking my hand away. The swelling was getting worse. I was going to have to do something before it got infected. I put my hands underneath her under arms and tried to lift her up but she started wailing again.

"Dammit!" I yelled, making her flinch. I stroked her hair. "I'm not angry with you...I just don't know what to do!"

"Call an ambulance! Please!"

"I can't!"

My heart was racing as I tried to figure out how to relieve her pain. The only thing I could do was pop her ankle back into place. I pulled out my cellphone and started googling instructions on how to do it. It didn't take long to find a page that had step by step instructions. But I was going to have to make her more comfortable. I had to take her into the house.

"Listen Emily...I'm going to have to pick you up."

"No!" She screamed, "Please don't touch me! It hurts so bad!"

"I know, sweetheart, but I have to get you into the house."

Before she had another chance to protest, I wrapped one arm around her back and put the other one under her legs. "Okay, I'm going to pick you up on the count of three. One...two...three!" I slowly lifted her up and started running towards the house while she lay limply in my arms.

I kicked the front door open and carried her to the bedroom. I gently set her on the bed. "Now, I'm going to pop your ankle back into place."

"No way! Absolutely not!"

"I have to! It's the only way!"

She cried out in pain as I grabbed the top of her foot with one hand and her heel with the other. 'This will be easy...' I tried to tell myself. 'Just do it!' And with one swift motion, I twisted her ankle. My stomach twisted at the CRACK sound. "Did...did that do it?" I examined her ankle again and it didn't look much better.

"Okay, hold your breath. I have to try again."

"Please don't...AHHHH!"

I roughly pulled her foot towards me and twisted it again, and again, and again until I heard another loud CRACK! The pain must have been too much because Emily immediately blacked out. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and pulled out my cellphone again. According to the site I was on, it appeared that her ankle was back in place. I just needed to use a little more force.

"I...I did it!" I said to myself. I kneeled down next to the bed and carressed Emily's forehead. "See, I told you that I could take care of you..."


AN: Sorry it took a little longer to get this one out, I had to do a little rewriting! Thanks for your patience! :3

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