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My throat was dry from screaming Vincent's name over and over. Feeling defeated, I returned my hands to my side.

"Damn it, Vincent..." I said, closing my eyes.

I thought back to the first day we met. I should have never spoken to him that day, but he seemed like such an ordinary guy. How was I supposed to know he was crazier than Ronald McDonald on acid? I sighed as I remembered how I stupidly allowed him to give me a ride home. Yeah, that was a great idea, Emily. Show some random guy you just met where you live. Sheesh!

I chuckled humorlessly and shook my head. "How could I be so dumb?"


My self pity came to a halt when I heard the sound of a woman calling my name. "Hello..!?" I cried out, banging the top of my prison and praying that the woman could hear me. "I'm in here!"

"She's in here..." the woman said, her voice closer. It was only a few seconds after that the lid was lifted from the box and I saw three silhouttes standing above me. I squinted my eyes to get a good look at them. The person closest to me was a middle aged police woman with frizzy red hair and a name tag that read, 'Officer Rita Hines."

The officers standing closely behind her were men, one young with blonde hair and one older.

Their name tags read 'Officer Phil Sumrall' and 'Officer Anthony Martinez.'

Thank You, Lord. I thought, closing my eyes again. You finally sent someone to find me.

I tried to sit up but Officer Rita put her hand on my shoulder. "Easy, sweetie." She said, her eyes scanning me and her lips pursed. She pulled a small flashlight from her pocket and shone it on my face. "Are you okay?"

"I think so..."

"Come on, let's get you out of here." She grabbed my arm and carefully helped me stand to my feet. I shuddered at the cold air against my still naked body. Officer Rita quickly removed her coat and wrapped it around me. "There you go..."

The other officers stared at me with concern before the older turned to the younger. "Phil, you dumbass. It was your job to search the basement."

Phil shrugged his shoulders. "I did, dude. I guess I just-"

"Don't call me dude, dumbass." Officer Martinez replied, slapping the back of Phil's head.

Rita put her palm to her face as she watched the argument. "For God's sake, would you two shut up? You can settle it later."

"Yes ma'am..." The officers groaned in unison. "Sorry.."

Rita sighed and returned her attention to me. "There's an ambulance upstairs. Let's get you checked out."

"What about Vincent?" I asked, "Is he...-?"

"Detective Frost is arresting him now." The officer replied with a reassuring smile. She shifted her eyes to Officer Martinez and nodded her head towards the stairs. "Why don't you go up ahead and make sure everything's alright?"

"Sure thing.." The officer replied. He grabbed Phil's sleeve and started pulling him with him up the stairs. "Come on..."

When they were gone, Rita turned back to me and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, sweetie. You're safe now."

I opened my mouth to thank her when Officer Phil ran back down the stairs. He glanced at me for a second then whispered something intp Rita's ear. I could tell by the expression on his face that something was wrong. My stomach clenched as Rita whispered something back to him before looking at me. "Emily, I need you to stay down here for me."

"What's wrong?" I asked as she started ascending the steps.

She glanced back at me and said, "Just stay down here. I'll be back in a minute."


I stood nervously in the basement as the minutes flew by. What the hell is going on up there?

I sucked in a deep breath before slowly hobbling up the stairs, ignoring the terrible throbbing pain in my ankle. There were voices coming from the living room. I stopped for a moment to listen to what they were saying.

"Let him go!" a familiar voice shouted. It belonged to Detective Frost.

It was a couple of seconds before I heard another familiar voice. Vincent's. "You clearly do no understand who is in charge around here. Do what I say and drop your weapon!

"Don't be stupid, Frost!" Yet another familiar voice cried, "Shoot him!"

The tense exchange made my stomach even more nauseous but I ignored the pain and hobbled into the living room on shaky legs. I froze when I saw Vincent standing there with a knife to Officer Johnson's neck while Amy and the other officers had their guns pointed to his head. I swallowed nervously when Amy cocked her pistol. "Stand down! I will not hesitate to kill you."

Vincent sighed and shook his finger at her. "Tsk tsk tsk, detective. Your rebellious spirit will only get your comrade killed."

"Shoot him!" Johnson shouted again.

Vincent drew the blade even closer to the officer's neck and I screamed. "Vincent, stop!"

All eyes on the room fell on me and I immediately regretted speaking.

"What is she doing up here?" Amy demanded, glaring at the other officers.

"I told her to stay down there, ma'am." Rita replied.

I ignored the officers and turned my attention to Vincent. "Please, Vincent. Don't hurt him."

"Emily..." Vincent said, tears filling his brown eyes. His grip around the officer's neck loosened as he stared at me. "I would have done anything for you..."

"I...I know." I said, trying to calm him down. Detective Frost nodded her head at me, silently encouraging me to talk to him more. "Please, just let him go. We can talk about this."

"I would still do anything for you.." He said with a trembling voice. His grip on the knife tightened and his eyes shifted to his hostage. "I would even....kill for you."

"Vincent, no!"

He looked at me apologetically before slitting the officer's throat with his knife. Johnson's eyes widened and grabbed his neck with his hand, trying to stop the blood from gushing out. But there was too much. He was going to be dead within seconds.

"Johnson!" Detective Frost cried. She stood there in shock for a few seconds before blinking her eyes and pulling herself together. Vincent was standing there with his arms by his side, crying. He had completely lost it. The detective raised her pistol back in the air and pointed it at Vincent.

Then, she pulled the trigger....


Officer Rita held me closely as two EMTs loaded Vincent onto a stretcher. He was clutching onto the wound in his chest and groaning in pain. His eyes were vacant, staring up at the ceiling above him. "Emily....."

Against my better judgment, I pulled myself away from Officer Rita and ran to his side. I wanted to get one final look at the man who put me through all of this, watch him suffer. Vincent tried to smile at me but his lips trembled. The officers watched cautiously as he reached his hand out and grabbed mine.

"Emily....I will always love you."


AN: There's only one more chapter left! I truly hope you guys have enjoyed the story. Can't wait to start working on the sequel! <3

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