Chapter 4

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"Dwont fworget mommy" I nod again for the millionth time as I walk Camerri to the door she has been reminding me that the ladies at the day care could not work the rest of this week and I kept reminding her I knew and that I had taken off work for the week.

"Okay okay honey just finish today and then me and you for a week how about that" I say she squeals before giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking in to the day care.

I wave goodbye to carol and Marian two of the employees before heading to my car for work, okay just sell two more paintings and do my shifts at the radio station.

Yes I paint it's just a starting job but I've been getting a lot of money so far and I'm thinking I can leave my current job for a better one like starting a art Galla.


After my shift at the radio station I drove home quickly and changed into a black tight dress that meets its way to my knees and the back is empty whilst putting my hair down letting the curls cascade down my back. I grabbed my two paintings before gently putting them in the car and driving off to my guy.

He buys them from me and sells them with my name on it.

So far I've made 300,000$ but in New York that money goes fast, especially when you take care of two plus pay for day care. I'm Saving up also for camerris college fund as well.

When I arrive I start to feel nervous, today I am supposed to meet one of my buyers. I grab my paintings and hold them tightly because they are heavy as i March my way into the huge Galla. I see some of my paintings up and smile as some people look at it with awe.

Going over to the man in the purple suit better known as my guy (enrico) I see a man in his late 40s and a woman about the same age. He was well built for a man who had wrinkles and grey hair, she looked radiant and well dressed and also important.

This was my buyer. I shuddered at the thought of  so many things that could go wrong , like how I could trip on the way over to them with these darn heavy paintings or my hair will get stuck to the canvas. I shudder again and walk over to them with confidence in my darn heals.

"Aah there she is!" I let out a smile at enricos greeting as we lay the wrapped canvases on the floor.

I stick my hand out and introduce myself, "hi, I'm Valentina Ray nice to meet you"
The woman smiles a warm smile at me and her husband takes my hand shaking it.

"Robert Baley and this is my wife Helen" I smile at them and nod my head.
"And this is our son oh yes you should meet him", I look up and feel my jaw hit the floor.

"Axel baley" he says sticking out his hand. I shake it off and take in his appearance it's different now he has a navy blue suit on and he looks stunning.

"Val- Valentina Ray" I say controlling my stutter as his warm hand envelops mine causing tingles to go through my arm. We stare each other down before a clearing of throat makes me jerk my hand back.

"Right so now that you are acquainted lets talk business" enrico says as he leads the four of us into a huge back room,carrying my canvases I try and keep myself steady but end up falling over.

A hand reaches out and grabs me, their arm snakes around my stomach causing electricity to flow throughout my body, I let out a shudder as I look up into those dark eyes and feel my tummy do flips.

"Clutz" he says before letting me go and turning away I scowl and walk in shoving him a little on my way in.

"We absolutely love your work val oh gosh can we call you Val?" I smile at how mrs Baley is gushing over me and my work. I nod making her smile even more as I hear a annoyed snort from the corner. Why does he have to do that? I think as I shoot daggers at him.

"Thank you, I was hoping you guys would be interested in buying one of these?"'I pull out my two paintings. One of them is of a girl whose hair is in an intricate design and a tear is rolling down her face and the other of a beach and a sunset.

Mr. Baleys eyes grow wide and mrs. Baley gushes but my eyes are on axel as he study's my painting.
"Looks like shit" that hits me hard like a smack and I look at axel with a scowl.

"Axel! It does not!" Mrs baley says looking at her son in disbelief.
"Mr. Baley is there a problem?" Enrico asks and mr Baley shakes his head as he study's my paintings.

"Wow kid you have a talent. These these are breathtaking" I smile at the genuine look on his face and feel better. Enrico arranges a price with them. 400,000 for both.

"So Val are you married?" I look over at Helen and smile shaking my head.
"No I'm not, but I have a daughter" I don't dare to look at their faces knowing that look that probably has taken over their face.

Like wow, single mother.

"Can we see her oh boy kids are great!" I look up shocked at mrs Baley's reaction and smile at her before pulling out my phone and picking the cutest one of her in a sun dress. They gush over her and I look to axel whose studying me intensely with his eyebrows furrowed.

I take back my phone as we stand up to say our goodbyes. Axel leaves without a word and Mr. And mrs. Baley excuse him before leaving.

I walk over to my car and see a note on the windshield. Oh no not a ticket.

I pick it up and read what's on it one word.


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