Chapter 10

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Hey guys
Thank you so much for the reads I hope your all enjoying it and I actually painted the picture above I just entered it in a contest!

Anyways keep reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

I stand there speechless and anxious it's been two years what do you say to someone you haven't seen in two years hey how are you? I heard you got your wisdom teeth removed. What do I say? Why is he here? This is all axels fault he brought him here on purpose to make me uncomfortable. I feel myself shrink and I try to calm down but I'm angry and fueled already.

"Cam go play." I say to no one in particular but she goes and I know she's gone as I hear her skip away. I see axels mouth twitch into a ghost of a smirk. This son of a bitch.
"Val-" my mother begins but I put my hand up to stop her from speaking and she does so.

"No." Is all I can manage before I turn on my heel and run, run and I don't stop as I bump into random people before getting inside my room. I slam the door and try to breathe whilst kicking off my heels. Oh my god oh my god what am I going to do? 2 years oh no 2 years I feel myself panic as I tug at my hair screaming out in agony. I run to the closet and grab the nearest and biggest canvas there is and tear open the plastic.

I look around the room before taking in a frame, there has to be a hook. I push off the expensive looking thing and hang my canvas up before pulling out paint and a paint brush. Breathe. It's okay just breathe. I do and then I paint making it take away everything all my thoughts and all my pain.

After I'm done I look into the nearest mirror. Oh no. My curls were messy and the pin had fallen out there was paint in my hair and all over my dress and arms. Poor dress.
I let out a sigh and thank everything holy that paint was invented before grabbing my wash cloth and wiping off some of the paint from my arms.

"So this is how you let out your anger and pain... Interesting" great the devil himself was here the whole time. I turn to look at him and he has a smirk on his face. I feel like slapping it off. I take in his appearance from his messy dark locks to his dangerous eyes and perfectly sculpted body.

"Leave me alone" I say feeling drained and at the brink of tears. He doesn't say anything as I go over to my closet and grab a sweatshirt and shorts. I grab my underwear and towel and run into the bathroom but before I can close the door his foot wedges in between it I let out a frustrated groan and he lets out a chuckle.

"What do you want?!" I whine he walks over to me and stands behind me. I turn quickly and move a few steps backwards not wanting to be too close to him. He lets out a devilish smile and comes closer.
"Tell me something Valentina è arte la tua fuga il mio amore?" Great the fucker spoke Italian and this is where my Moroccan blood comes into play.

Je ne parle pas italien vous grand gros morceau de merde" that's right fluent French people his face changes and anger settles in his cold glare before he comes closer to me making me back up into the sink.

Our close proximity makes my head spin and I wish he would move away a bit.
"Je parle français ainsi mon amour" oh gosh my only weapon stolen and might I add soooo sexily spoken. I'm spun around so fast I get whiplash. I feel his hands unzip my dress and I start to breathe heavy as he comes closer if possible and whispers into my ear.

"I'm an Italian man but I speak many languages Mia Bella now shower I have questions for you to answer" I shudder as he moves away from my ear and slowly starts to move his nose down my back. My breathe hitches and I arch forward trying to make space but my head gets foggy and my mouth opens trying but failing to get air into my lungs as he plants a soft kiss on my shoulder. I bite my lip and apparently way too hard seeing as I start tasting blood.

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