Chapter 13

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The pain that had struck my head was driving me crazy. Did I have my period? Hey every girl asks herself that when her eyes are glued shut and her head or stomach hurts.
It must still be early seeing as cam hasn't come to wake me up and I'm definitely am not late for work. Or maybe I am! I shoot up in a unfamiliar bed and meet the grey eyes I had hoped for the past 10 minutes were only a dream.

"Wakey wakey" he says it with no emotion as he sits on the bed by my side. I plopped back down on the pillow and shut my eyes real tight. Just go back to sleep go back to sleep Val just sleep they can't bother you when your sleeping. But I knew I couldn't fool ax- Nicolo whatever you want to call him. So I do the right thing and put on my big girl panties. I sit back up and stare him in the eye. He hadn't moved nor did his face demeanor change.

"Where is cam? I need to go home and take my daughter with me" I mentally applaud myself for the courage I had somehow acquired just now.
"You and I both know that you are staying here and so is she. She is with my sister playing", it's as though all that confidence just left just like that with a snap of his finger I was a vulnerable little girl. And that is what annoys me the most about him. He thinks he so dominate and that he owns everyone! Well not today!.

"Listen here buster I don't care who you are! I've had enough of your bull shit ax-Nicolo! Whatever your fucking name is!. So you just just leave us alone!" His chuckle is what scared me the most. It wasn't a 'oh wow that was funny or cute' chuckle it was just a downright scary chuckle. His lips didn't even twitch upwards when he did it.

I move backwards on my butt as he comes closer to me. I didn't need him to teach me another lesson. His dark grey eyes caused me to shudder and I was left speechless when his hand came up to brush a strand of my hair away. I didn't dare move as he removed his suit jacket and plopped it on the bed loosening his tie. I instantly saw the gun nestled in between his belt and his waist. It wasn't hard to miss as he turned back to me his face scary impassive.

I didn't move from my position till he grabbed my thigh and pulled me towards him till I was flush against him. His face was so close to mine that I was losing oxygen. My head feels dizzy and I can feel my insides turn as he stares me down with that heated gaze.
"Don't underestimate me Miss Ray we have been here before" his voice was low and raspy causing my head to spin. I couldn't process what he was saying to me and the air was growing thick as his hand slid up my thigh.

As if on instinct my hand topples on to his holding his in place right before the waistband of my jeans. That's when a plan dings in my head. Oh sure it didn't work last time but try try and try again. I take the bold move and reach for his tie before moving backwards and pulling him with me on to the bed. He hovers over me his heated gaze never leaving mine.

I bite my lip and lean forward brushing my lips across his jaw. He clenches his jaw and stiffens up against me. I move my lips lower along his jaw and his neck. I groan when his fingers dig deep into my thighs. His hands leave hot flashes on my already feverish skin. I move my right hand along his arm and slowly across his spine digging my fingers slightly into his skin. My hang goes back around as I leave a small kiss on the side of his mouth and another one on his jaw.

Almost there Val almost there my head was spinning and my heart was practically beating out of my chest. The tension and heat between us could be felt a mile away and the cold feel of the gun caused me to wake up and come to my senses. Before he can react I jump up and point the gun to his head. He doesn't flinch he doesn't move and he doesn't show one inch of emotion as he stands up the point of the gun facing his temple.

"I'll admit Valentina si gioca bene" his Italian made my knees buckle and a pool of desire fill me up inside but I didn't lose it I couldn't I know what I have to do.
"Speak English goddammit" I snap great now he knows your losing it. He moves closer to me not at all scared for his life. He is as impassive as a rock.

"I forgot your level of capacity is lower then most average humans" he's just provoking you Val you'll be okay. He moved closer as I backed away now this was not part of the plan. He was the one that is supposed to move back and cower in fear. Next thing I know I hear a clicking noise and my back hits the wall behind me. Damn how many guns did this guy have.

"You might want to chose your next move wisely Miss Ray" a shudder goes down my spine at the way he spoke my name. It just rolls off his Val keep it together.
Think women think! I point the gun towards his junior or more like senior oh my wonder how l- dirty thoughts dirty thoughts.
He chuckles that creepy chuckle that vibrates down to my core and points the gun at my left breast. I shudder at the contact and dig the gun closer to his crotch. I fail at a evil chuckle as he moves even closer practically taking the distance between us and throwing it aside. My grip on the gun fails and I hear it clink against the floor as his gun never wavers.

He brings it up to the side of my head and licks his lips moisturizing them. I watch as though it is in slow motion and try to relax my beating heart. I cannot seem to calm down and the air around me is growing thick. As his hands travel around my waist and down to my hips I let out a sharp gasp.

Val just do your self a favor don't do anything stupid!

But I'm a stupid person so I boldly move my fingers to his lips and trace them. So soft so pink. I trace the top one and move to the bottom one aware of how his gaze is burning holes into my head. I move from his bottom lip to his jaw. So sharp. It could cut glass thats how sharp it is. When I move my fingers down to his chest his hand finds mine and the swirling in his eyes are signs as if he is trying to tell me something something so obvious.

I enjoy the warm feeling of his hand on mine and feel the electricity making my heart erratic.
"Valentina" my name came out hoarse and raspy in a whisper like way but it made my heart jump ten times faster. So close oh god he's too close. I feel the pressure weighing down on me as my eyes close on their own accord, but all I get is a brush of the lips and he removes himself from me. I watch as he paces the room agitated with the gun in his hand.

I don't dare move, my back is still plastered to the wall and all I can do is watch as he tares at his hair. I've never seen him like this. He was angry no doubt and he was losing his composure.
" Nico-"
"Don't call me that!" Yep he's lost it. I flinch at his outburst and he doesn't care at all he just slams the nearest wall kicks the bed post and stomps away like a little child. To say I was shocked is an understatement. He's crazy or what.

Something inside of me felt warm and fuzzy for some odd unexplainable reason so I shrugged it off and walked out of the room and towards the magnificent staircase that winded around the house and was home to a giant crystal chandelier.

I was just about to go down when the lights went out and a click behind me signaled a gun. A Siri like voice rang throughout the house saying 'intruder alert' damn they know their security.

I feel the cold metal but do not see it as it is brought down hard into my skull.

Then darkness. 

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