I Don't Want to Leave You

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*I attached an instrumental of the song featured in the following Oneshot*

Phil's POV:

Dan hasn't been well lately. He gets into these huge coughing fits and he gets lightheaded frequently. At first we thought it was just a cold or something, but then it didn't go away, it got worse. So we are heading into the hospital now because Dan won't stop coughing and wheezing, and he can't breathe. I am really worried about him, but he says not to be that it's just the "flu". We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and sat in the waiting room since Dan wasn't a first priority to the doctors. He could sense that was I nervous, or saw the rapid bouncing of my leg, so he interlaced his fingers with mine. We sat there for a couple minutes talking before he went silent. His grip on my hand suddenly tightened and he doubled over coughing.

"Dan?" I ask, my anxiety through the roof.

He looks up and me and says two struggled words, "Get. Help."

I start screaming, "Help! Someone help him please!" Doctors sprint in and rip him away from me. "No! I have to come with him!" A nurse puts her hands on my shoulders, "I'm sorry you can't, I'll tell you when you can visit him." By this time, tears were streaming down my face and I was in full out panic.

2 Hours Later

"Phil Lester?" A nurse calls into the waiting room. Finally.

"That's me," I say as a jump up. "Can I see Dan?"

"Yes you can. The doctor needs to talk to you both." My mind immediately went to the worst. She lead me into Dan's room where Dan was sitting awake next to a concerned looking doctor.

"Dan-" he began. "Is not very well. This is not a normal cold or the flu. We did some tests and-"

"Yes go on," I say impatiently. That is when I heard three words that made my heart shatter in an instant.

He has cancer.

"No, no no no. It must be a mistake," I panic again. "No he doesn't." I insist. I look over at Dan who has his head in his hands, sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lester. I have to say there is more bad news." Just when i thought things couldn't get worse, they did.

"He's in such a late stage of cancer, there's nothing we can do. Chemotherapy won't do anything to help him. At most, he has a 1-2 weeks. I'm so sorry." The doctor finishes and leaves the room.

I immediately rush over to Dan and hold him in my arms. We were sobbing uncontrollably.

"I love you, I love you," I mumbled over and over. "I'm not going to leave your side from this moment forward."

"Phil-" He looks up at me with his usually sparkly chocolate eyes replaced with a dull brown.

"Shh, don't think about it-"

"I don't want to die. I don't want to leave you," he cries.

"I know, I don't want to you too either. But we have to take this little time to spend together," I say calmly. I have to stay strong for him.

He simply replies with a sad, "okay." So that's what we did, for the next week, we never spent a minute apart. We shared hugs, laughs, kisses, and tears. Nine days after we found out he had cancer, Dan felt very weak one day and we both know what that meant. I was sat on the edge of his bed holding both of his hands in mind. We both had tears in our eyes.

"It's time," he says sadly.

"I know," I reply. "You made me complete, Dan. I don't know how I'm going to live. It sickens me to think of a world without you. I will love you always and I regret nothing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Phil-" he says. We both have tears streaming down our faces. "You need to move on. I love you so much. Never forget me. I hope you have a fabulous live and I'll see you again one day. Thank you for everything, you taught me what love was."

We share one last kiss before he slowly closes his eyes and his grips loosens on my hands. I smile softly at him and whisper "goodbye, love."

Because the hardest part of this, is leaving you.

I am so sorry for that. But hey, I'm back with writing. I was slacking because I finished Dreams. So anyway, what do you want next from me? To focus on Oneshots, a new Phanfic, or possibly Fall Out Boy Preferences? Please let me know. Thanks for reading!

Song featured: Cancer-My Chemical Romance


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