The Most Fun I've Ever Had

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*3rd person*
Year of 2020

Dan is 28 and Phil is 33. They haven't made a video on their main channels in about a year. The duo didn't confirm that they had left YouTube officially, but their fans had assumed it was over. Dan and Phil weren't sure what they were going to do in their career, but they felt as their YouTube channels should come to a close.
"Dan, we should make one last video together. Like a last Q&A," PHIL said one day.
"Yeah, that's a good idea. Film it now?"

"Hey guys!" Phil said excitedly.
"Hello Internet!" Dan said with the same tone.
"We are making a final video to say goodbye to you guys and answer some very last questions you may have," Phil explains.
"Yep! So let's get started!" Dan says as he tweets to his fans looking for questions. The questions came rolling in, so Phil read the first one.
"Why did you decide to stop making videos?" He read.
"Well, I don't think our channels are really going anywhere anymore," Dan answers.
"Yeah exactly. Also, we think it was time to give it up since we are getting older," Phil adds. "Okay, next one!"
"Are your favorite animals still llamas and lions?"
"Of course!" Phil shouts making Dan laugh.

After a few more questions, the can across the question that thy had been expecting.
"Is Phan real?" Dan read. The two look at each other than Phil starts to speak.
"Yes, Phan is real. And it has been for a long time." At the time , the hold their intertwined fingers up and Dan plants a soft kiss on Phil's cheek.
"Oh and another thing..." Phil starts.
"This won't technically be the last time you will see us on YouTube." Just then, two children, a boy and a girl, walked in and sat next to Dan and Phil.
"This is Rae. She's 11," Dan says pointing to the girl next to him.
"And this is Matt. He's 14," Phil says and smiles widely. "These two have been looking forward to a YouTube career in the future. So you can't get rid of Dan and I that easily."

After a little more silliness with their kids and displaying their wedding rings, Dan and Phil decided it was time to end the video.

"So, I guess this is the end of danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil," Dan says. Both of the boys already have tears in their eyes.
"This was a great experience for the both of us. We never thought it would get this far," Phil added.
"We love each and everyone of you and we want to say thank you for making all of this possible," Dan followed up.
"Yep! So I guess this is it," Phil said with tears streaming down his face. Dan's face was also wet with tears.
"Goodbye guys." They both held up hand-hearts. Obviously referencing to PINOF 1.
"Goodbye Internet. This was the most fun I have ever heard." As if right on cue, Phil hug-tackled Dan. They sat up again and sealed the gaps between their lips. The boys took on last look at the camera and smiled. Then, the screen went black.
TEARS. LEGIT TEARS WRITING THIS OH GOD. To think that they won't do YouTube forever makes my heart I guess.
-Tay :(

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