4. Sister?!

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4. Sister?!

When I woke, I felt weird. It probably had something to do with the fact that I had just been kidnapped by 2 vampire brothers and looked like the vampire that turned them. Hmm, i thought - maybe I was related to this famous 'Katherine' and that was why I looked like her.

"Morning." A voice came from my side.

"Gah!" I screamed, rolling over onto the floor and cracking my head against the wood. I looked up and Stefan was frowning at me. He rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "Thanks." I muttered as he pulled me up.

"No problem." He said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Apart from the fact that I was constantly worrying if Damon would come in and bite me." I replied. Stefan frowned again and then I laughed. "I'm kidding." But he still frowned. "Awkward..."

"No it's not that." He sighed. "It's something else I need to speak to you about." I cringed, the way he said it made it sound like he wanted to kill me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Wanna bite?" I offered, jerking out my neck. Stefan laughed wearily but then shook his head.

"Nah. I survive on animal blood."

"Oh, so you're the good vampire." I said, nodding my head. "Nice."

"Well yes." He laughed. "I like to think of myself as the good brother. Damon on the other hand, would quite happily drink from any source that provided fresh blood."

I nodded. "I can see that. Now what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

Stefan flinched and then thickened the lines on his forehead. "I think you better sit down Nina."

"Ok." I said and then dropped down onto the bed. Stefan came down as well and then he looked at me straight in the eye, honestly looking sincere. "What is it?" I asked. "You're scaring me."

"You have a sister, Nina."

"Huh?" Was my first reaction. I had a sister? A sister?! No. That wasn't right. My parents had one child, one child and that was me. If they'd had another girl, I was pretty sure that I'd remember. "Stefan, I don't have a sister. My parents only had one child."

"You were adopted."

And then my whole world seemed completely overwhelming. Sister? Adopted? This was all too much. I was adopted? But they never told me! They would have told me, wouldn't they?

"My parents wouldn't keep that from me." I said, but didn't sound too sure of myself.

"I'm sorry. But I had to tell you."

"Wait!" I ordered. "How would you know? Only last night you thought I was Katherine!"

"Yes I did." He said, then sighed. "Let me explain. There's a girl called Elena Gilbert and she lives in a different part of Mystic Falls. She's identical to you and to katherine. Now, since I already thought that you were Katherine, I knew that Elena definitley wasn't. So I looked up Elena's background, and found out she was adopted. Now, after Damon called last night and I found out that you weren't Katherine, I knew that the two of you must be related because you look too alike not to be. So I looked up, and you have an adoption certificate. Your both from the same women, Isobel. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you Nina, but I had to."

"Why?" I asked. That was all that I could force out of me. "Why did you have to tell me?"

"Because I need your help to keep Damon away from Elena." He replied.


Stefan looked down for a few minutes, but then looked up with a proud and gentle smile. "Because I'm in love with her. And I will do everything in my power to keep Damon away from ruining what we have."

I forced a smile for him. "Aw, that's nice. You're in love with my sister who I've never met. So...how do I help keep Damon away?"

"Simple." Stefan explained. "Keep Damon busy with you. If you interest him, then he'll most likely spend all of his time with you."

"But, I don't want to spend time with Damon. I want to go home to my parents...well adopted parents." I pouted, looking down. I suddenly changed my mind though. "But this would be more interesting than school. Plus, I'd like to meet my newly found sister."

Stefan patted my shoulder. "I'll arrange for the 2 of you to meet the next time Damon goes out of town."

"Thanks Stefan." I smiled.

"It's no problem." He replied. "So, you hungry?"

"A little. Do you guys have anything here besdies blood?"

"Yeah, I'll fix you some breakfast." He offered. I nodded eagerly and pulled myself to my feet, but when I looked around, Stefan was gone. Ugh, freaking vampires. Was it that hard to keep up human speed for one minute? I guess so.

I started walking down the stairs and then followed the noise of what seemed like a radio. I finally enterred the kitchen and then saw a shirtless Damon frying some eggs on the pan and Stefan sitting on the counter. I couldn't help but secretly admire Damon's muscles, they were so lean and...vampire like. They weren't as good as Tyler's but they were fine.

"Morning Nina." Damon smirked, and flipped an egg onto a plate. He handed it out to me and I took it.

"Thanks." I sat down at the table and grabbed the fork closest to me. Damon was staring at Stefan, and Stefan was staring seriously at a glass of...blood? I looked at Damon in confusion and he walked over to me, practically shoving his 6 pack in my face.

"He's very serious." Damon whispered, causing Stefan's head to whip up. "I call him serious Stefan. Occasionally Saint Stefan. In the 90's maybe Sexy Stefan. Or was it just sexy? I can't remember."

I couldn't help but giggle a little as Stefan's eyes hardened with hate. Damon held his hands out innocently and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Sexy is a compliment Stefan." He pointed out.

Stefan just continued to give him the evils. "Nina, I hope you know what you're in for. Damon likes to manipulate others around him to feel good."

"No little brother." Damon said, shaking his head. "I like to make fun of you, simply so I can see those frownlines pop up from that big square head of yours."

"Shut up Damon." Stefan muttered. Then he looked at me. "I'm going now so I'll see you later Nina."

"Going to feed on bambi?" Damon asked, waggling his eyebrows. Stefan rolled his eyes and headed for the door, actually walking at human speed for once.

"Bye Stefan!" I called as I heard the door close.

"Hey brother! Bring me back a bunny!" Damon added. I turned to face him and like Stefan, rolled my eyes at his immature though amusing jokes. Then, he raised an eyebrow at me.

"So Nina...I guess it's just you and me."

And that's where it hit me. It was just him and me. I was in a house, all alone, with Damon Salvatore.

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