48. 3 Months Later

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3 Months Later....

Dear Diary,

Today will be different. It has to be. I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her boyfriend in a pointless sacrifice. I will start a new. I will smile, and it will be believable.

Today will be different.

I wont see his eyes everwhere I look.

Wont hear his voice.

See his face.

Everything will be different.

It's the only way I'll make it through.

I pushed my diary into my bag and jumped up from the window ledge. Elena was waiting for me at the bedroom door, and she gave me a sympathetic smile as I walked up to her.

"You ok?" She asked me.

I smiled my believable smile. "I'm fine."

"Good. Come on, Caroline's driving us to school."

"We should just ditch the whole school thing and run off to Australia." I groaned as we made our way downstairs. "Or coffeeland."

"Coffeeland?" Jeremy asked, walking out of his bedroom with Bonnie's hand between his.

"Is our new destination." I said, laughing a little.

The 4 of us walked downstairs and sat around the table in the kitchen. Jenna was standing near the oven with Rick's arm around her waist.

They were engaged now.

How cute?

"You guys all ok?" Jenna asked.

"Fine." We all said in usion.

"Looking forward to school?" Rick asked, raising an eye-brow.

"Looking forward to school. Stupid school. Screw it. Screw it. Screw it." I muttered under my breath.

Elena laughed a little and then pulled out her phone as it vibrated.

"Caroline's here." She sighed.

Me, Bonnie, Elena and Jeremy all stood up and made our goodbyes to Rick and Jenna, but on my way out of the kitchen, Rick took my wrist.

"Are you ok, Nina?" He asked, looking into my eyes deeply.

Me and Rick had gotten a lot closer. He'd been there for me. Comforted me. Because he knew how it felt to lose someone. He'd lost Isobel. Mine and Elena's Mother.

I'd had the Isobel talk with him about a month ago now.

He'd been a lot of help.

And for some reason, I felt as if I couldn't lie to him.

So I simply pulled away.

"Have a good day, Rick."

"-and we're all going to go help decorate the lockwood house for the founders party today after school. And then we're going to get ready and get drunk at Duke's welcome back to school party and then hang out at the grill for a while and then go to mine and we'll all sleep there?"

Caroline, as you can see, had already organized the whole day.

"Whoa, slow down there Caroline!" Jeremy laughed. "We've not even been to home room yet and you're organizing the rest of the semester."

"It's a hobby." She smirked.

Stefan came around the corner looking...depressed but he smiled once he had Elena in his arms and kissed her forehead.

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