8. Birthday Present

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8. Birthday Present

The next day, me and Elena were sitting on the couch when there was a knock at the door. We both stood up and walked over. I opened the door and standing there was Stefan and Damon.

"Hi beautiful." Stefan smiled.

"Thanks." I said. Then, everyone looked at me with weird expressions. "I'm kidding!"

"Good one." Elena winked. "Hello Mr. Salvatore. Would you like to come in?"

"It would be my pleasure Ms. Gilbert." He said in a respectable voice. The two of them took hands and Elena pulled Stefan into the house - both of them walking off like the ending of a romantic movie. I sighed, I guess I was left with Damon.

"Well Nina. Are you going to invite me in?" Damon smirked as he leaned up against the wall.

"Hmm. Nope." And then as Damon's smile faded, i slammed the door in his face. I heard Stefan and Elena laughing from the couch, and could practically hear Damon's pout. I re-opened the door and rolled my eyes. "You didn't think I'd really do that, did you?"

"Well I deserved it because of last night." He reminded me.

"You do deserve it. But I'm not that mean. So, I'll let you in if you promise to be nice to me and Elena and Stefan." I said.

"I'm always nice Nina." He grinned. "Right Stefan?"

"Keep telling yourself that Damon!" Stefan called back to him.

"Oh shut up bunny boy."

I frowned at Damon. "I'm serious."

For a split moment, his eyes met mine completely. "You have my word Nina." And with his black eyes trancing me, I believed him.

"Would you like to come in Damon?" I asked, reuniting myself with a smile.

Damon grinned. "Indeed I would." And then he simply walked through the door and in split seconds, was sitting on an armchair, closing his eyes in relaxation. I laughed mentally and then closed the door before joining the 3 of them. I took a seat on the floor next to the fire and smiled.

"This is weird." I said. They all looked up at me with questioning looks. "Just the fact that I found out I have a sister, and I now own a house, and I share it with vampires. It's pretty surreal."

"Get used to it." Damon winked.

"Oh!" Elena exclaimed. "We need to discuss the whole werewolf situation, don't we?"

"What werewolf situation?" Stefan asked us.

"Well yesterday when me and Damon went out for pizza, we bumped into Tyler. He said that if I'm not with him by the next full moon, then he and his wolfy friends wont hesitate to kill you. This is bad in 2 ways. The 1st is that werewolf bites can kill vampires. And the 2nd is that the full moon is in 12 days now." I explained.

The brothers were quiet before Damon laughed. "Werewolf, schmerewolf." He muttered. "Me and Stefan are big boys...well I am. Stefan is merely an infant. A child. A baby-"

"Damon shut up. This is serious." Elena snapped.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Stefan snickered and kissed her forehead. Damon shoved his finger in his mouth and made gagging noises, which obviously caused me to laugh. I stopped as Stefan and Elena both gave us death glares and I covered my giggles with coughs.

"Anyway, so what's the plan Nina?" Stefan asked.

My eyes flew wide open. "Me?"

All of them nodded.

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